Course outlineKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Course Outlines

4 Years Degree Programme Course Outline for Telecommunications Engineering at University-KNUST

Here are all the courses to be taken by students who are or plan to offer Telecommunication Engineering from level 100 to 400 at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. KNUST.


These courses are subject to change, We believe seeing the individual courses can give you the chance to make an inform choice in choosing any Programme at the University.

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Year one- semester one

Course code course Credit hours

MATH 151 Algebra 4
ENGL 157 Communication Skills I 2
CE 155 Environmental Studies 2
ME 159 Technical Drawing 2
ME 161 Basic Mechanics 3
EE 151 Applied Electricity 3
EE 153 Electrical Engineering Technology 2

Year one- Semester two

Course code course Credit hours

MATH 152 Calculus with Analysis 4
ENGL 158 Communication Skills 2
ME 166 Applied Thermodynamics 2
EE 152 Basic Electronics 3
EE 156 Electrical Engineering Drawing 2
EE 172 Electrical Machines 3
COE 158 Introduction to IT 2

Year two- Semester one

Course code course Credit hours

MATH 251 Differential Equations 4
COE 251 C programming 3
EE 271 Semiconductor Devices 2
EE 287 Circuit Theory 3
TE 271 Analog Communications Systems 2
TE 291 Telecommunications Lab I 2
CENG 291 Engineering in Society 2
FREN 181 French for Communication I 2


Year two – semester two

Course code course Credit hours

MATH 252 Calculus with Several Variables 4
EE 272 Digital Systems 3
EE 288 Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation 3
TE 262 Electromagnetic Fields 3
TE 292 Telecommunication Lab II 2
FREN 182 French for Communication 2

Year three- Semester one

Course code course Credit hours
MATH 351 Numerical Methods 2
MATH 353 Statistics 2
EE 371 Linear Electronic Circuits 3
COE 381 Microprocessors 3
TE 385 Signals & Systems 2
TE 361 Information Theory 2
TE 381 Optical Communications 2
TE 391 Telecommunication Lab III 2

Year three- Semester two

Course code course Credit hours

TE 362 Telecom Infrastructure 2
TE 364 Communication Circuits 2
TE 372 Antennas & Propagation 3
TE 382 Data Communication Networks 3
TE 384 Switching Engineering in Communication 3
TE 386 Digital Communication System 3
TE 392 Telecommunication Lab IV 2

Year four- Semester one

Course code course Credit hours

TE 461 Computer Application & Project Design 3
TE 471 Electromagnetic Compatibility 3
TE 481 Wireless Data Communication Networks 3
TE 497 Project I 3
ME 491 Engineering Econ. & Management 3
COE 475 Computer Networking 3

Year four- Semester two

Course code course Credit hours

ME 492 Entrepreneurship Development 2
TE 462 Telecom Policy 2
TE 472 Digital Signal Processing 3
TE 474 Microwave Engineering 2
TE 498 Project II 5
TE 484 Network Planning 3
COE 486 Introduction to VLSI 3



Peter N. Djangmah is a multifaceted individual with a passion for education, entrepreneurship, and blogging. With a firm belief in the power of digital education and science, I am affectionately known as the Private Minister of Information. Connect with me
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