After increasing Teachers’ salary by 88%; Rwanda is now Employing more Teachers from other African Countries
Just after authorities in Rwanda decided to increase the salaries of teachers astronomically by 88 percent, the government has opened its doors to teachers from another African country mainly Zimbabwe. Perhaps, Rwanda does not want to limit the goodies to only its citizens.
Following the increase in teachers’ salaries, the Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) has released a new salary structure, where a head teacher may take home up to Rwf 1 million and beyond.
The structure that was first announced by the Prime Minister and followed by a ministerial order indicates an increase of 88% of the salary of a teacher with an A2 level.
In this structure which cuts across all sectors, a head teacher with a-42 years of experience will take home Rwf1.32 million, per month.
MIFOTRA says the government increases salaries every three years and a head teacher with a Bachelor’s degree, with 42 years experience will take home Rwf1.32 million per month.
A fresh headteacher or Grade2 (1-3 years experience) with a Bachelor’s degree will earn a gross salary of Rwf541,644 (earned before taxes, benefits, and other payroll deductions) and a net salary of Rwf 314,450, also known as take home.
The deductions include pension fees, health insurance fees, and maternity fees.
A fresh teacher or Grade 2 (1- 3 years experience) with a degree earns a gross salary of Rwf418,147 and a net salary of Rwf246,384. With 42 years of experience, teachers will be taking home Rwf709,811.
A fresh, or Grade 2 Director of Studies (DOS) and disciplinary teacher with a Bachelor’s degree will be earning Rwf283,656 net, and Rwf306,990 take home for those with Grade 3 (4-6 years experience).
DOS and disciplinary teachers with Grade 5(10-12 years experience),/will earn a net salary of Rwf323,742 and those with 42 years experience will be earning a net salary of Rwf747,083.
A school employee who is not a teacher, but with a Bachelor’s degree will be earning a net salary of Rwf225,439 and Rwf688,868 for those with 42 years of experience.
The fresh, or Grade2 Deputy Director of Studies (DDOS) and deputy disciplinary teacher with a diploma will be earning a net salary of Rwf283,656 and Rwf633,759 for those with 42 years of experience.
The fresh teacher with a diploma earns a take home of Rwf191,811 and Rwf541,914, for those with 42 years of experience.
According to the MIFOTRA, a fresh head teacher with a Teacher’s Training (TTC) certificate will earn a net salary of Rwf152,525. The Grade 3 head teacher (4–6 years experience) will earn Rwf164,543, Grade 5 (10–12 years experience) Rwf173,954, and Rwf394,806 for 42 years experience.
A fresh DDOS and deputy disciplinary teacher with a TTC certificate will earn Rwf108,488, the Grade3 (4-6 experience) will earn Rwf115,294, Grade5 earns Rwf121,229, and over Grade 5(13-27 years) will earn Rwf127,669 and 42 years’ experience will take home Rwf239,513.
A fresh teacher with a TTC certificate will also earn Rwf108,488, Grade3 will take home Rwf115,294, Grade5 Rwf121,229, over Grade5 is Rwf127,669, and those teachers with 42 years will take home Rwf239,513.
The school employees who are not teachers, but with certificates will earn Rwf97,826 and Rwf228,851 for those with 42 years of experience.
According to MIFOTRA, other employees who are not teachers, but with certificates also take home Rwf97,826.
A new structure follows, a compensation enhancement program that the government unveiled this month and will increase elementary school teachers’ salaries by 88%, benefiting the profession as a whole.
Zimbabwe has so far shortlisted about 491 teachers who are undergoing further training and screening to be flown to Rwanda as demanded. Zimbabwe’s public service Ministry’s secretary, Simon Masanga said the teachers are being recruited in line with an agreement they signed with Rwanda
“The recruitment is being conducted under the auspices of the memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Zimbabwe and Rwanda on the exchange of skilled personnel between the two countries,” he said, adding that, the first group of teachers will take off immediately after the pre-departure training is done.
“The successful candidates are expected to travel to Rwanda after undergoing pre-departure training by a team of experts from Zimbabwe and the Embassy of Rwanda to ensure adequate orientation and requisite information is imparted to the Zimbabwean nationals before their deployment,” he added.
Mr Masanga also said teachers are being picked from specific fields. “We are recruiting competent education personnel to be employed in Rwanda on job positions under four categories: basic education, basic TVET (technical and vocational education and training), polytechnic, and universities.”
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