University of Ghana - UG Course Outlines

Courses Under LAW LLB University of Ghana UG

Table of Contents

We’ve realized Students stay away from certain courses because they seem not to know the details, seekersnewsgh has dedicated this section to bring to you all available courses under the various programmes at the University.  Kindly go through it to make an informed decision.



More information can be obtained from the University.



(i)Admission Requirements

Selection of Senior High School applicants into the LLB programme will be based on performance in the WASSCE.


(ii)Graduation Requirements

A student shall be required to carry a minimum workload of 15 credits and a maximum of 18 credits per semester. To graduate therefore a student will be required to obtain a minimum of 120 credits and a maximum of 144 credits.



Items in bold or Italics Bold would be used to satisfy University Requirements.


*General Education Course


YEAR ONE (Level 100) Semester One:

*FLAW 101 Legal System 3
*FLAW 103 Law of Contract I 3
*FLAW 105 Constitutional Law I 3
*FLAW 107 English for Law Students I 3
*FLAW 109 Logic for Law Students       3
  Minimum/Maximum credits

to be taken 15


Semester Two:

*FLAW 102 Legal Method 3
*FLAW 104 Law of Contract II 3
*FLAW 106 Constitutional Law II 3
*FLAW 108 English for Law Students II  3
UGRC   3
  Minimum/Maximum credits

to be taken 15

YEAR TWO (Level 200) Semester One:

*FLAW 207 Tort I 3
*FLAW 211 Immovable Property I 3
*FLAW 213 Criminal Law I 3
*FLAW 221 Public International Law I 3
FLAW 209 Alternative Dispute Resolution 3
FLAW 251 Gender & the Law I 3
FLAW 265 Criminology I 3
  Minimum credits to be taken 15
Maximum credits to be taken 18


Semester Two:

*FLAW 208 Tort II 3
*FLAW 212 Immovable Property II 3
*FLAW 214 Criminal Law II 3
*FLAW 222 Public International Law II 3
FLAW 218 Administrative Law 3
FLAW 252 Gender & the Law II 3
FLAW 266 Criminology II 3
UGRC 220-238 Introduction to African Studies 3
  Minimum credits to be taken 15
Maximum credits to be taken 18


YEAR THREE (Level 300)

Semester One

*FLAW 345 Commercial Law I

(Sale of Goods & Hire Purchase  Law )

*FLAW 355 Company Law I 3
FLAW 337 Natural Resources  I 3
FLAW 343 Conflict of Law I 3
FLAW 347 International Human Rights Law I 3
FLAW 351 Industrial Law      I 3
FLAW 353 Environmental Law I 3
FLAW 363 International Humanitarian Law I 3
Minimum credits to be taken 15
Maximum credits to be taken 18



Semester Two

*FLAW 346 Commercial Law II

(Agency & Banking Law)

*FLAW 356 Company Law II 3
FLAW 338 Natural Resources  II 3
FLAW 344 Conflict of Law II 3
FLAW 348 International Human Rights Law II 3
FLAW 352 Industrial Law      II 3
FLAW 354 Environmental Law II 3
FLAW 364 International Humanitarian Law II 3
Minimum credits to be taken 15
Maximum credits to be taken 18


YEAR FOUR (Level 400)

Semester One

*FLAW 403 Jurisprudence I 3
*FLAW 407 Equity and Trusts 3
*FLAW 411 Taxation I 3
FLAW 431 Intellectual Property Law I 3
FLAW 435 International Trade Law 3
FLAW 483 Family Law I 3
FLAW 485 Law of Evidence I 3
FLAW 487 Insurance Law I 3
  Minimum credits to be taken 15
Maximum credits to be taken 18


Semester Two

*FLAW 404 Jurisprudence II 3
*FLAW 408 Succession 3
*FLAW 412 Taxation II 3
FLAW 410 Long Essay 6
FLAW 432 Intellectual Property Law II 3
FLAW 436 International Investment Law 3
FLAW 484 Family Law II 3
FLAW 486 Law of Evidence II 3
FLAW 488 Insurance Law II 3
  Minimum credits to be taken 15
Maximum credits to be taken 18



Description of Courses


FLAW 101:          Ghana Legal System

The major legal systems of the world, Classification of the branches of the Law,  Introduction of British Jurisdiction into Gold Coast and Sources of Law ± Common Law, Equity, Statutes, Subsidiary Legislation, History of the Court System and Jurisdiction and powers of the courts and quasi-judicial bodies. Alternative procedures for the settlement of disputes, The Legal profession and its role in Society and Legal Aid, Language and Study Skills and Legal Writing, Techniques of Legal Research, Oral Presentation.


FLAW 102:           Legal Method

The Nature of Law ± Function & Theory of Law, The Theories and mechanics of judicial decision-making, Elements of Civil and Criminal Procedure, The doctrine of Stare decisis and its operation in the Ghana Legal System, General principles of statutory interpretation, Remedies.


FLAW 103:         Law of Contract I

Contract as a legal category in the Ghana Legal Systems Historical development and assumptions

Formation of Contract, Enforceability of Agreements as Contracts in Law (Doctrine  of  Consideration, Formal Requirements). Privity of Contract; Assignments; Agency, The contents and Types of Contracts.


FLAW 104:          Law of Contract II

Vitiating Factors (Mistake, Misrepresentation, Duress and Undue Influence). Public Policy and Enforcement of Contractual Obligations, Discharge of  Contracts, Remedies for Breach of Contract (Damages, Equitable remedies and procedural Strategies), Contract Law and Economic Realities.


FLAW 105:         Constitutional Law I (Constitutional Theory)

Constitutional Law ± Problems of definition and content, Constitutionalism, The Relationship between municipal and International Law, Coup de `tats/Revolutions and continuity of Constitutions, The concept of separation of powers, The supremacy of the Constitution and judicial review, The Concept of the Rule of Law, Human Rights, Natural Justice.


FLAW 106:         Constitutional Law II (Constitution of Ghana)

The Constitutional Evolution of Ghana, The Executive, The Parliament, The Judiciary, Independent Institutions, The Rights and Duties of the Citizen, The Law of Citizenship Commissions/ Committees of Enquiry, The Electoral Process, Proceedings involving the Republic, Local Government, Traditional Constitutionalism ± Chieftaincy Law, Outlines of Judicial Remedies.


General Course Description:  English for Law Students

The broad objective of English for Law Students is to equip the students with the language skills to enhance their ability to speak and write English fluently. The first semester component aims at consolidating the knowledge of the students in English grammar and usage. During the course of the semester, students will learn general grammatical principles and do extensive exercises in grammar and usage. They will also practice the use of the dictionary and thesaurus to enable them to get a hold on the range and variety of the English lexicon. In the second semester, the students will focus on composing well-organized, well-supported, and coherent paragraphs. The paragraph as a text-structuring tool in reading and writing will be amply exemplified.

Additionally, students will be introduced to evaluative language in expository writing. By the end of the course, students should be able to speak and write English with felicity.


FLAW 107:          English for Law Students I (Grammar and usage)

  1. Varieties of English: British and American English, regional and national


  1. Elements of grammar: sentence elements, parts of speech
  2. Sentence structure: the simple sentence, coordination and apposition, the complex sentence, sentence variety
  3. Avoiding pitfalls: run-ons, irregular verbs, subject-verb agreement, consistent verb tense, pronoun agreement, reference, and point of view; adjectives and adverbs, misplaced modifiers, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism
  4. Punctuation: the comma, the semicolon, other marks, common punctuation


  1. Word Use: the dictionary and thesaurus, spelling, vocabulary development, commonly confused words, effective word choice


FLAW 108:  English for Law Students II (Paragraph writing: structure, development, and style) 

  1. The Paragraph: the single paragraph, the multiple-paragraph text; paragraph unity, support, and coherence
  2. Paragraph structure and reading strategies: information relationships within and across paragraphs; given and new information
  3. Paragraph structure and writing strategies: making and supporting a point; organizing and connecting specific evidence; achieving structural coherence
  4. Evaluative language: reporting verbs, qualifications and strength of claim, evaluative nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
  5. Text analysis of a variety of texts (the writings of Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte,Thomas Hardy, D.H. Lawrence, Shakespeare, Kofi Awoonor, Ayi
  1. Proofreading and editing techniques


FLAW 109:           Logic for Law Students

The Course in Logic for Law Students is designed to equip the student with practical abilities to discriminate between having motives vs. Good logical reasons for belief in a statement, to evaluate quality evidence in support of a conclusion, to contrast deductive proof with inductive support provided by evidence, to contrast value judgment with factual judgment.


The Course will introduce the student to the following specific topics – Varieties of Speech act; Varieties of passage-length communication; Definitions in focus; Understanding logical structure of an argument as the truth conditions of its component statements; Understanding relation between evidence and empirical hypothesis; Cause and effect reasoning ± application of induction; Polemical fallacies and rhetorical ploys; Ethics and Law.

FLAW 207:         Torts I (Intentional Tort)

Nature, History, Aims of the Law of Torts, General Principles of Liability, Choice of Law in torts Cases in Ghana, International Interference with Person and Property, Economic Torts, Nuisance, The rule is Rylands v. Fletcher, Vicarious Liability


FLAW 208:          Torts II (Negligence & Defamation)

Products Liability, Occupiers Liability, Liability for Statements – Negligent statements, Deceit), Statutory duties, Death in relation to Torts, Defamation.


FLAW 209:          Alternative Dispute Resolution 

This course will introduce the student to the spectrum of ADR mechanisms and discuss particularly Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration. The law of Ghana relating to ADR will be examined and students taken through practical demonstrations of the workings of Negotiation, Mediation and Arbitration.


FLAW 218:         Administrative Law


Nature of Administrative Law, Constitutional doctrines and theories relevant to Administrative Law, The Executive Branch of Government: Administrative and Public Sector Institutions, Local Government, The Law making powers of the Administration, Natural Justice and the

Administration, Review of discretionary powers, Judicial remedies, Extra-judicial remedies

(Commission of Human Rights and Administrative Justice, Administrative Tribunals),  Commission and Committee of Enquiry, Proceedings between the state and its servants and agents.


FLAW 211:         Immovable Property I (Customary Land Law)

  1. Preliminary Matters: The Concept of Land and Immovable Property, The Nature and Scope of the Law of Immovable Property, The Concept of Ownership and the Appropriate Terminology for the Description and Analysis of the System of Land Tenure.
  2. The Customary Law Interests In Land: The Allodial Title, The Usufructuary Interest, Customary Law Tenancies
  3. Persons Who Can Hold Interests In Land: The Stool and Management of Stool Property, The Family a Holder of Interests in Land, Marital Family Property.


FLAW 212:         Immovable Property II   

  1. Common Law Interests in Land: Introduction to the Law of Tenure and Estates, Equitable and Legal Interests, The Law of Landlord and Tenant, Co-Ownership.
  2. Uncertainty in Land Titles And Insecurity In Land Transactions And Attempted Solutions: Nature, Estoppel, Limitation of Actions, Registration of Instruments Affecting Land, Land Title
  3. Compulsory Acquisition And State Administration Of Land Introduction To The Law Of Natural Resources: Introduction to Minerals and Mining Law, Introduction to Forestry Law, Concessions.
  4. Introduction to Physical Planning Law
  5. Land Law Reform


FLAW 213:         Criminal Law I (General Principles)

Nature and Scope of Criminal Law, The Requirements of Criminal Liability and Mens  Rea, Causation, Capacity, General Defences, Special Defences: (Intoxication and Insanity, Provocation).


FLAW 214:          Criminal Law II (Specific Offenses)

The Law of Attempt ± Inchoate Offences and Parties, Abatement and Conspiracy, Offences Against the Person: Homicide, Offences Against the right of property, Offences Against Public Morals and Public Order, Offences Against the State: Treason and Sedition.


FLAW 221:         Public International Law I

Introduction: Nature and Context of International Law, Sources of International Law, Subjects of  International Law, State Territory and Jurisdiction, The Law of the Sea, Air and Outer Space.


FLAW 222:          Public International Law II

Individuals, Nationality and state Responsibility, Law of Treaties, Diplomatic Law, Human Rights, Settlement of Disputes, The Use of Force, International Organization.


FLAW 251:         Gender and the Law I

Perspective: Customary Norms and Societal Values, Gender and Global Issues: (Population

Pornography; Women and Prostitution).


FLAW 252:         Gender and the Law II (Selected Topics)

  1. Legal issues in Family Law: Marriage, Divorce, Custody and Support of Children, Surrogate Mother Contracts.
  2. Gender and health ± Legal Issues Involving Reproductive Matters: Access to Contraception, Abortion, Sterilization, Infanticide, Drug and Alcohol Abuse During Pregnancy, Female Circumcision
  3. Legal Issues Involving Gender and Criminal Law: rape, Domestic Violence
  4. Issues Involving Education
  5. Gender and Employment: Legal Issues Involving Restrictive Access to Certain Occupations; discriminatory Practices in Hiring and promotion; Sexual Harassment, Family Leave


  1. Legal Issues Involving Women and Property; Women and Inheritance
  2. Legal Issues Involving Women and Development; Women in Political Process


FLAW 265:         Criminology I

The meaning, nature and scope of criminology. The evolution of criminological thought: anthropological theories; biological theories, socio-economic and environmental theories, War, migration and other factors. Phenomenology, Aetiology of crime; Victimology. Legal principles relating to insanity, mental deficiency and other forms of mental in capacity. Criminological Aspects of Victimless Offences: Prostitution, Homosexuality and Lesbianism; Gambling. Crimes of Violence: Robbery, Homicide, Rape and Sexual Offences. Organised Crime: White Collar Offences and Economic Crimes. Theories of Criminal Behaviour.


FLAW 266:         Criminology II

  1. Drug Addiction and Alcoholism: Drug Law Enforcement. Juvenile Gangs and Delinquency; Child Abuse and Juvenile Justice.
  2. Sentencing; Theories of Punishment: Custodial And Non-Custodial Punishment: Community Service.
  3. The Prisons,
  4. UN Standard Minimum Rules, Torture.
  5. Health Needs of Prisoners, Vocational, Technical and Religious Orientation.
  6. The Police and Law Enforcement ± Mob Control.
  7. Criminological Research, Statistics and Forecasting.
  8. Traditional and Modern Crime Control Programmes and Roles of NGOs, Social Workers, and Religious Bodies.

Destitution: Orphanage; Street Children; Begging For Alms, The Aged And Handicapped, Including Lepers and Lunatic Patients.


FLAW 337:         Natural Resource Law I

Rights, Institutions and Non-Financial Obligations: Introductory Survey of the Mining Sector, Mineral Exploration and Production Rights, Introductory Survey of the Petroleum Sector, Petroleum Exploration and Production Rights, Land rights and Mineral/Petroleum Rights, Environmental and Safety Issues in Mineral/Petroleum Operations, The Mineral Resources of the Seabed and Ocean Floor, Legal Regulation of Trees and Forests.


FLAW 338:         Natural Resource Law II 

Marketing and Financial Issues: Financing Mineral and Petroleum Operations, The fiscal Regime for Mineral and Petroleum Operations, Marketing Arrangements for Mineral/Petroleum, Exchange Control, Electricity Supply Arrangements, Stability Issues, Dispute Settlement.


FLAW 343:         Conflict of Laws I (General Part)

Introduction to the Conflict of Laws.  Concept and Meaning of Foreign Law; proof of Foreign Law; Exclusion of Applicable Foreign Law. Domicile ± The Traditional Rules and their Application in Ghana; Developments Around the World. Jurisdiction ± In personam; In Rem; Exceptions to Jurisdiction ± sovereign immunity. Foreign Judgements and Foreign Arbitral Awards. Contracts ± Determination of the Proper Law, Law governing Specific Topics. Torts ± Historical Development of the rule for Determining the Applicable Law; Various Views as to the Applicable Law ± Lex Loci; Phillips v. Eyre as modified by Chaplin v. Boys, Proper Law of Tort.


FLAW 344:          Conflict of Laws II

Movable and Immovable property, Succession, Family Law (in outline only) ± Capacity to marry; Matrimonial uses; Recognition of Foreign Decrees. Domestic Relations ± Custody, Guardianship, Legitimacy, Legitimation and Adoption. Classification, Incidental Question, Renvoi, Substance and Procedure, Theories and Methods.


FLAW 345:         Commercial Law I   (Sale of Goods and Hire Purchase)

  1. Sale of Goods: Nature and Formation of a Contract of Sale, Types of obligations Created by the Sale of Goods Act, Duties of the Seller, Duties of the Buyer, Transfer of Property and risk , Remedies of the Seller, Remedies of the Buyer, C.I.F. AND F.O.B. Sales
  2. The Law on Hire-Purchase: Nature of Hire Purchase Agreements, History of Hire Purchase Law in Ghana Completion,

FLAW 346:         Commercial Law II (Agency and Banking)

Definition and Existence of Agency, Capacity to act as Principal, Capacity to act as Agent,  the Principal, Relationship of Principal and Agent with third Party, Banks, Banking, and Non-Banking Financial Institutions, Negotiable Instruments and their Kin, Banker-Customer Relations, Securities Regulation.


FLAW 347:         International Human Rights Law I

The Evolution of the Concept of Human Rights, Historical Antecedents of Human Rights, The United Nations Human Rights System, The European System for the Protection of Human

Rights, The Inter-American Human Rights System, The African System of Human Right System, The CSCE and the Helsinki Final Act, Non-Governmental Organizations, Domestic Absorptions.


FLAW 348:        International Human Rights Law II   (Specified Topics)

International Humanitarian Law, The Principle of Equality or Non-Discrimination with Particular Human Rights and the Criminal Justice System, The Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, The International Law of Refugees and Aliens, Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspective.


FLAW 351:         Industrial Law I

  1. Relationship of employer and employee
  2. Contract of employment
  3. Formation and discharge
  4. Contract of apprenticeship
  5. Wages


FLAW  352:         Industrial Law II

  1. Industrial legislation
    1. Legislation Regulating Conditions in Factories, Shops, Offices, Mines etc.
    2.  Social Security.
    3. Legislation regulating Industrial and Business Operations.
  2. The law of trade unions and industrial relations:

Collective Bargaining; Settlement of Industrial Disputes.


FLAW 353:         Environmental Law I

Introduction:  Evolution, Nature, Object and Development of International Environmental Law and Policy. The Sources of International environmental Law. Breaches of Environmental Law and Liability for Environmental Harm. Regulation of Environmental Sectors ± International/Domestic (Protection of Marine Environment against Pollution, Protecting Inland Waters and Rivers, Combating Air Pollution, Protection of Wildlife). Trans Sectoral Problems (Toxic or Dangerous Products and Wastes, Radio activity, Ozone Depletion, Global Warming). Environmental Impact Assessment.


FLAW 354:         Environmental Law II

Marine Environment, Biodiversity Conservation, Regionalism: Africa and the EC, The Ghanaian Environment, Trade, War, Human Rights and the Environment: An overview.


FLAW 355:         Company Law I

Concept of the Corporation.  Statutory Commercial corporations.

Companies Registered Under the Companies Code.  Corporate personality; Lifting the veil.  Formation of Companies.  Promoters; Pre-incorporation Contracts; the Regulations; Invitations to Debentures; Classes of Shares. Becoming a Member: Allotments; Share Certificates.  Rights ofCapital:  Stated Capital; Issued Capital; Treasury Shares; Increase of Capital; Reduction of Capital Dividends; Debenture holders; Rights and Powers.

FLAW   356:       Company Law II

Actions on behalf of the Company; The General Meeting; Notices procedure; Voting; Resolutions.

Directors and other officers; Appointment; Removal; Duties Rights and Powers.

Liability of Company in contract; Tort; Crime; Investors, Protection; Oppression of Minorities; Investigations by the Registrar; Annual Returns.

Arrangements and Amalgamations: Private Companies; Subsidiary Companies; Guarantee

Companies.  Liquidation (in outline)

Partnerships and Unincorporated Business Associations.


FLAW 363:          International Humanitarian Law I                                                               

This course will focus on the Theory and Practice of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). It will explore the Definition and history of International Humanitarian Law: the relationship between humanitarian law, human rights and disarmament; Law of the Hague and Law of Geneva: implementation of IHL and Sanctions for the violations of IHL.


FLAW 364:         International Humanitarian Law II                                                              

The focus will be on the examination of recent tendencies of IHL and the mandate and activities of the International Committee of the RED Cross (ICRC). The place of IHL in non-structured conflicts and the problems of the prohibition of certain weapons will be discussed. The status of the ICRC and the legal bases of its actions, the emblem and the activities of the ICRC in Africa will be considered.


FLAW 410:         Long Essay

As required of undergraduate students.


FLAW 403:         Jurisprudence I

Introduction ± The Nature of Jurisprudence, Natural Law Theories, Positivism, The Pure Theory of Law, Historical School of Jurisprudence, Realism ± American and Scandinavian.


FLAW 404:         Jurisprudence II

Sociological School of Jurisprudence, Customary Law, Marxist Theory of Law and State, Theories of Rights ± Hohfeldian Rights, Human Rights (if not offered as an Elective) etc., Gender and the Law, Law and Development, Islamic Law


FLAW 407:          Equity & Trusts

Historical Background: Origin, Nature and Development of Equity. Maxims of Equity, Remedies: Specific Performance, Injunctions, Rectification, Rescission, Account, Delivery up and Cancellation of Documents., Declaratory Judgment, Uses and Trusts.


FLAW 408:          Law of Succession

  1. Pledges and Mortgages
  2. Succession

Testate:  Customary and Statutory

Intestate:  i.    A brief outline of the Customary aspect. ii. Intestate Succession Law, 1985 (PNDCL. 111 iii.Effect of PNDCL.111 on (a) Marriage Ordinance, Cap. 127, (b) Marriage of      Mohammedan Ordinance, Cap 129, (c) Customary Law.

  1. The Dead as property.


FLAW 431:         Intellectual Property Law I

Introduction to Intellectual Property Law: Historical background, characteristics and definition of intellectual property law. Main fields of intellectual property namely, patents, utility models, industrial designs, trade marks, trade secrets, copyright law neighbouring rights

Patents: Evolution of patent law and its justification, Conditions of Patentability, National, Regional and International administration of the patent system, Rights of the Patentee and scope of protection, Utility models

Copyright Law and Neighbouring rights: Historical development of copyright law ± national and international levels, Basic principles of copyright law, The impact of emerging technologies on copyright, Authors societies, Neighbouring Rights.


FLAW 432:         Intellectual Property Law II 

  1. Trade Marks and Unfair Competition: Introductory overview of trade mark law, Trade mark rights and protection, National and International administration of works and registration, General principles of unfair competition law, The Economic tort of passing off.
  2. Industrial Design: Objective of an industrial design ± Legal System, The varying regimes of industrial design Law ± National and International.
  3. Confidential Information and Trade Secrets: The Nature of Protectable Confidential Information and its obligations, Employee relationships, Defence and remedies.
  4. Transfer of Technology: The concept of technology transfer, Licensing agreements including compulsory licensing, Economic effects of Intellectual Property, Ghanaian Law and Practice on technology Transfers.
  5. Regional Arrangements


FLAW 435:         International Trade Law 

The Law of international Trade ± the importance of trade; sources of Law of International Trade law; formulating agencies etc., etc. The outline of the sale transaction ± International Sales of Goods; special terms, INCOTERMS etc. International Sales contracts based on Sea carriage ± c.i.f., fob, C & F, ex works etc. Insurance of Goods in the International Sale Transaction (in outline). Payment in international sales (Letters of Credit etc.) Disputes in international transactions ± the conflict of laws, the problems of conflict, proper law of the contract etc.; proceedings and jurisdiction; the Mareva injunction; the Mareva injunction; the enforcement of foreign judgments and awards.


FLAW 436:         International Investment Law 

Introductory ± Principal issues in controversy regarding foreign investments and the Sovereign Authority of states over foreign investments. International Contracts, Nationalisation and Compensation, Permanent Sovereignty of states over natural resources, Codes of conduct for Multinational Corporations, Transfer of Technology, New Methods of Investment Dispute Settlement.


FLAW   411:       Law of Taxation I     

Tax Policy in a Developing Country:  The purposes and uses of taxation; Taxation and saving; Taxation and capital formation;   the differences between taxation in high income countries and taxation in law income countries; Consideration of some taxation principles.  The effects of various kinds of taxes.


FLAW   412:        Law of Taxation II

The Export Tax:  The methods, effects, advantages and disadvantages of taxing exports.

The Income Tax:  What is income? Tax policy and the income tax; Consideration of the taxability of various kinds of receipts;  Capital gains; Deductions; Taxation of the corporation and its shareholders; Taxation of foreign income, of non-residents and of foreign investment in Ghana.

Other Taxes:  The sales tax; Excise taxes; Import duties; the excess profits tax; VAT.

An overview of the Ghanaian Tax System:  Revenue; Administration


FLAW 483:          Family Law I

Applicable Law. Regimes of law governing marriage and domestic relations in Ghana.

The Family:  Contracts to marry; common law and customary law.  The contract of Marriage under the Marriage Ordinance; Formalities; Capacity; Void and Voidable Marriages.  Legal effects of Converture; consortum, separation, maintenance.  Husband and Wife.

Termination of Marriage; Grounds for divorce Customary Marriage: formalities, incidents, legal effect of coverture.  Role of family in customary marriage.  Dissolution of marriage.


FLAW 484:           Family Law II

Parent and Child

Legitimacy in common law and customary law with respect to their children

Custody; Protection; Maintenance

Vicarious liability of Parents; Adoption; Guardianship

FLAW   485:         Law of Evidence I

The objectives of the law of evidence.  Materiality; the formulation of issues of fact; Judicial notice; Burden of proof; quantum of proof; presumptions; Relative function of judge and jury; Real evidence Circumstantial evidence: Remoteness; Undue prejudice; Similar circumstances; Other crimes; Habit; Usage; Custom; Character.


FLAW   486:        Law of Evidence II

Witnesses: Order of examination; Competence; Privilege, The exclusionary rules:  Best evidence; hearsay and its exceptions (e.g. evidence of tradition); opinion; res inter alios acta Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel.


FLAW 487:          Insurance Law I

The Nature of Insurance: The Contract of Insurance ± Relation to contracts of Gaming and Wagering ± The distinction between Gaming Contracts and Insurance Contracts and its development  of Insurance ± Marine and non-Marine risks ± the distinguishing features of marine, life, fire and liability insurance.

The Concept of Insurable Interest: Development of the concept of insurable interest ± the principle of indemnity and its relation to insurable   – types of insurable interest.  New developments.

The making of an Insurance contract: The insurance agent; nature of his authority and his liability ± The Contract and special terminology ± the nature, contents and function of the proposal form ± interim receipts and cover notes.


FLAW  488          Insurance Law II

The rights and Duties of the Parties under the Contract:  The principle of utmost good          faith

– the materiality of disclosures by the insured ± the effect of non-disclosure and misrepresentation


±over-and under-insurance – payment of the premium ± return of the premium and its consequences.

Claims: The right to make a claim ± the quantum of the claim entitlement to claim ± Salvage

Motor Vehicles (Third Party) Insurance ± an outline of case-law and practice in Ghana.


Note:  Students offering this course will be expected to have more than an average grasp of the principles of governing the law of standard contracts.  During the course they will be expected to familiarize themselves with the main forms of standard policies in use in motor and fire insurance in Ghana.  




The entry requirement for the Post-First Degree LLB Programme is a good first degree from a recognized University. A recognized University refers to all Universities accredited by the National Accreditation Board. Suitably qualified applicants are required to participate in a selection examination and an interview.


  • Promotion Requirements from Level 300 to 400
    1. Pass: A student is deemed to have passed, if he/she has a minimum of 30 credits and a maximum of 42 credits of core courses and electives at the end of Level 300.


  1. Withdrawal: A student who does not pass as prescribed by (2a) shall be asked by the Registrar to withdraw from the University.


  • Graduation Requirements (LLB)

A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements for graduation if:


  1. He/she has satisfied all General University and Faculty requirements;


  1. He/she has accumulated a minimum of 72 credits, including all core courses;


  1. He/she must not have failed any of core courses (where failure means a grade below D);


  1. He/she must not have failed more than 12 credits of elective courses (where failure means a grade below D).





                                                              LEVEL 300 COURSES

                                                         Level 300 compulsory courses

FLAW 361                                           Legal System

FLAW 362                                           Legal Method

FLAW 381                                          Law of Contract I


FLAW 382 Law of Contract II
FLAW 391 Constitutional Law I 3
FLAW 392 Constitutional Law II 3
FLAW 371 Criminal Law I 3
FLAW 372 Criminal Law II 3
FLAW 373 Immovable Property I 3
FLAW 374 Immovable Property II 3
FLAW 317 Tort I 3
FLAW 318 Tort II 3
Level 300 Elective Courses
FLAW 323 Public International Law I 3
FLAW 324




Public International Law II


FLAW 403 Jurisprudence I 3
FLAW 404 Jurisprudence II 3
FLAW 407 Equity and Trusts 3
FLAW 408 Law of Succession


FLAW 410 Long Essay 6
FLAW 491 Alternative Dispute Resolution 3
FLAW 492 Administrative Law 3
FLAW 493 Criminology I 3
FLAW 494 Criminology II 3
FLAW 495 Gender & the Law I 3
FLAW 496 Gender & the Law II 3
FLAW 497 Commercial Law I 3
 (Sale of Goods & Hire Purchase Law)
FLAW 498 Commercial Law II
(Agency & Banking Law) 3
FLAW 473 Company Law I 3
FLAW 474 Company Law II 3
FLAW 475 Natural Resources I 3
FLAW 476 Natural Resources II 3
FLAW 477 International Human Rights Law I 3
FLAW 478 International Human Rights Law II 3
FLAW 421 International Humanitarian Law I 3
FLAW 422 International Humanitarian Law II 3
FLAW 467 Conflict of Laws I 3
FLAW 468 Conflict of Laws I I 3
FLAW 415 Industrial Law I 3
FLAW 416 Industrial Law II 3
FLAW 417 Environmental Law I 3
FLAW 418 Environmental Law II 3
FLAW 411 Taxation I 3
FLAW 412 Taxation II
FLAW 431 Intellectual Property Law I
FLAW 432 Intellectual Property Law II

FLAW 435                                          International Trade Law

FLAW 436                                           International Investment Law                                            3

FLAW 483                                            Family Law I                                                                        3

FLAW 484                                            Family Law II                                                                       3

FLAW 485                                           Law of Evidence I                                                                3

FLAW 486                                           Law of Evidence II                                                              3

FLAW 487                                            Insurance Law I                                                                   3

FLAW 488                                           Insurance Law II                                                                  3




  • Promotion Requirements from Level 300 to 400


  1. Pass: A student is deemed to have passed, if he/she has a minimum of 30 credits and a maximum of 42 credits of core courses and electives at the end of Level 300.


  1. Withdrawal: A student who does not pass as prescribed by (2a) shall be asked by the Registrar to withdraw from the University.


  • Requirements for Graduation (LLB)


A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirements for graduation if:


  1. He/she has satisfied all General University and Faculty requirements;


  1. He/she has accumulated a minimum of 72 credits, including all core courses;


  1. He/she must not have failed any of core courses (where failure means a grade below D);


  1. He/she must not have failed more than 12 credits of elective courses (where failure means a grade below D).





  Level 300 compulsory courses
FLAW 301 Ghana Legal System                  3
FLAW 302 Legal Method              3
FLAW 303 Law of Contract I                  3
FLAW 304 Law of Contract II             3
FLAW 305 Constitutional Law I (Constitutional Theory)                  3
FLAW 306 Constitutional Law II (Constitution of Ghana)                  3
FLAW 307 Torts I (Intentional Tort)                  3
FLAW 308 Torts II (Negligence & Defamation)                  3
FLAW 311 Immovable Property I (Customary Land Law)
FLAW 312 Immovable Property II
FLAW 313 Criminal Law I (General Principles)


FLAW 314           Criminal Law II (Specific Offences)

Level 300 Elective Courses 

FLAW 321           Public International Law I                                                                                  3

FLAW 322           Public International Law II                                                                                3




FLAW 401 Jurisprudence I                                                                                                         3
FLAW 402 Jurisprudence II                                                                                                      3
FLAW 433 Equity                                                                                                                       3
FLAW 434 Law of Succession                                                                                                 3
FLAW 400 Long Essay                                                                                                         6
FLAW 405 International Trade Law                                                                                    3
FLAW 406 International Investment Law                                                                         3
FLAW 425 Administrative Law                                                                                          3
FLAW 437 Natural Resource Law I                                                                                   3
FLAW 438 Natural Resource Law II                                                                                  3
FLAW 441 Intellectual Property Law I                                                                              3
FLAW 442 Intellectual Property Law II                                                                            3
FLAW 443 Conflict of Laws I (General Part)                                                                   3
FLAW 444 Conflict of Laws II                                                                                            3
FLAW 445 Commercial Law I (Sale of Goods and Hire Purchase)                              3
FLAW 446 Commercial Law II (Agency and Banking)                                                 3
FLAW 447 International Human Rights Law I                                                                3
FLAW 448 International Human Rights Law II (Special Topics)                                 3
FLAW 451 Gender and the Law I                                                                                       3
FLAW 452 Gender and the Law II (Selected Topics)                                                     3
FLAW 453 Environmental Law I                                                                                        3
FLAW 454 Environmental Law II                                                                                      3
FLAW 455 Company Law I                                                                                                  3
FLAW 456 Company Law II                                                                                               3
FLAW 457 Taxation Law I                                                                                                  3
FLAW 458 Taxation Law II                                                                                                 3
FLAW 461 Family Law I                                                                                                      3
FLAW 462 Family Law II                                                                                                     3
FLAW 463 International Humanitarian Law I                                                                  3
FLAW 464 International Humanitarian Law II                                                                3
FLAW 465 Criminology I                                                                                                     3
FLAW 466 Criminology II                                                                                                   3


Description of Courses

FLAW 301/361:                  Ghana Legal System

The major legal systems of the world, Classification of the branches of the Law,  Introduction of British Jurisdiction into Gold Coast and Sources of Law ± Common Law, Equity, Statutes, Subsidiary Legislation, History of the Court System and Jurisdiction and powers of the courts and quasi-judicial bodies. Alternative procedures for the settlement of disputes, The Legal profession and its role in Society and Legal Aid, Language and Study Skills and Legal Writing, Techniques of Legal Research, Oral Presentation.

FLAW 302/362:                  Legal Method

The Nature of Law ± Function & Theory of Law, The Theories and mechanics of judicial decision-making, Elements of Civil and Criminal Procedure, The doctrine of Stare decisis and its operation in the Ghana Legal System, General principles of statutory interpretation, Remedies.


FLAW 303/381:                 Law of Contract I

Contract as a legal category in the Ghana Legal Systems Historical development and assumptions Formation of Contract, Enforceability of Agreements as Contracts in Law (Doctrine of Consideration, Formal Requirements). Privity of Contract; Assignments; Agency, The contents and Types of Contracts.


FLAW 304/382:                  Law of Contract II

Vitiating Factors (Mistake, Misrepresentation, Duress and Undue Influence). Public Policy and Enforcement of Contractual Obligations, Discharge of  Contracts, Remedies for Breach of Contract (Damages, Equitable remedies and procedural Strategies), Contract Law and Economic Realities.


FLAW 305/391:                 Constitutional Law I (Constitutional Theory)

Constitutional Law ± Problems of definition and content, Constitutionalism, The Relationship between municipal and International Law, Coup de `tats/Revolutions and continuity of Constitutions, The concept of separation of powers, The supremacy of the Constitution and judicial review, The Concept of the Rule of Law, Human Rights, Natural Justice.


FLAW 306/392:                 Constitutional Law II (Constitution of Ghana)

The Constitutional Evolution of Ghana, The Executive, The Parliament, The Judiciary, Independent Institutions, The Rights and Duties of the Citizen, The Law of Citizenship Commissions/ Committees of Enquiry, The Electoral Process, Proceedings involving the Republic, Local Government, Traditional Constitutionalism ± Chieftaincy Law, Outlines of Judicial Remedies.


FLAW 307/317:                  Torts I (Intentional Tort)

Nature, History, Aims of the Law of Torts, General Principles of Liability, Choice of Law in torts Cases in Ghana, International Interference with Person and Property, Economic Torts, Nuisance, The rule is Rylands v. Fletcher, Vicarious Liability


FLAW 308/318 :                Torts II (Negligence & Defamation)

*HQHUDO 1HJOLJHQFH 6SHFLILF 1HJOLJHQFH $FWLRQV(PSOR\HU¶V OLDELOLW\ WR KLV HPSOR\HHV Products Liability, Occupiers Liability, Liability for Statements – Negligent statements, Deceit), Statutory duties, Death in relation to Torts, Defamation.


FLAW 311/373:                  Immovable Property I (Customary Land Law)

  1. Preliminary Matters: The Concept of Land and Immovable Property, The Nature and Scope of the Law of Immovable Property, The Concept of Ownership and the Appropriate Terminology for the Description and Analysis of the System of Land Tenure.
  2. The Customary Law Interests in Land: The Allodial Title, The Usufructuary Interest, Customary Law Tenancies
  3. Persons Who Can Hold Interests In Land: The Stool and Management of Stool Property, The Family a Holder of Interests in Land, Marital Family Property.


FLAW 312/374:                  Immovable Property II   

  1. Common Law Interests in Land: Introduction to the Law of Tenure and Estates, Equitable and Legal Interests, the Law of Landlord and Tenant, Co-Ownership.
  2. Uncertainty in Land Titles and Insecurity in Land Transactions and Attempted Solutions: Nature, Estoppel, Limitation of Actions, Registration of Instruments Affecting Land, Land Title
  3. Compulsory Acquisition and State Administration of Land Introduction to the Law of Natural Resources: Introduction to Minerals and Mining Law, Introduction to Forestry Law, Concessions.
4.             Introduction to Physical Planning Law 5.    Land Law Reform


FLAW 313/371:                  Criminal Law I (General Principles)

Nature and Scope of Criminal Law, The Requirements of Criminal Liability and Mens  Rea, Causation, Capacity, General Defences, Special Defences: (Intoxication and Insanity, Provocation).


FLAW 314/372:                 Criminal Law II (Specific Offences)

The Law of Attempt ± Inchoate Offences and Parties, Abatement and Conspiracy, Offences Against the Person: Homicide, Offences Against the right of property, Offences Against Public Morals and Public Order, Offences Against the State: Treason and Sedition.


FLAW 321/323:                 Public International Law I

Introduction: Nature and Context of International Law, Sources of International Law, Subjects of  International Law, State Territory and Jurisdiction, The Law of the Sea, Air and Outer Space.


FLAW 322/324:                  Public International Law II

Individuals, Nationality and state Responsibility, Law of Treaties, Diplomatic Law, Human Rights, Settlement of Disputes, The Use of Force, International Organisation.


FLAW 425/492:                 Administrative Law

Nature of Administrative Law, Constitutional doctrines and theories relevant to Administrative Law, The Executive Branch of Government: Administrative and Public Sector Institutions, Local Government, The Law making powers of the Administration, Natural Justice and the Administration, Review of discretionary powers, Judicial remedies, Extra-judicial remedies

(Commission of Human Rights and Administrative Justice, Administrative Tribunals),  Commission and Committee of Enquiry, Proceedings between the state and its servants and agents.


FLAW 400/410:                 Long Essay

As required of undergraduate students.


FLAW 401/403:                 Jurisprudence I

Introduction ± The Nature of Jurisprudence, Natural Law Theories, Positivism, The Pure Theory of Law, Historical School of Jurisprudence, Realism ± American and Scandinavian.


FLAW 402/404:                 Jurisprudence II

Sociological School of Jurisprudence, Customary Law, Marxist Theory of Law and State,

Theories of Rights ± Hohfeldian Rights, Human Rights (if not offered as an Elective) etc.,

Gender and the Law, Law and Development, Islamic Law

FLAW 433/407:                  Equity and Trusts

Historical Background: Origin, Nature and Development of Equity. Maxims of Equity, Remedies: Specific Performance, Injunctions, Rectification, Rescission, Account, Delivery up and Cancellation of Documents., Declaratory Judgement, Uses and Trusts.


FLAW 434/408:                  Law of Succession

  1. Pledges and Mortgages
  2. Succession

Testate:  Customary and Statutory

Intestate:     i.     A brief outline of the Customary aspect. ii.    Intestate Succession Law, 1985 (PNDCL. 111 iii.   Effect of PNDCL.111 on (a) Marriage Ordinance, Cap. 127, (b) Marriage           of Mohammedan Ordinance, Cap 129, (c) Customary Law.

  1. The Dead as property.


FLAW 435/405:                 International Trade Law 

The Law of international Trade ± the importance of trade; sources of Law of International Trade law; formulating agencies etc., etc. The outline of the sale transaction ± International Sales of Goods; special terms, INCOTERMS etc. International Sales contracts based on Sea carriage ± c.i.f., fob, C & F, ex works etc. Insurance of Goods in the International Sale Transaction (in outline). Payment in international sales (Letters of Credit etc.) Disputes in international transactions ± the conflict of laws, the problems of conflict, proper law of the contract etc.; proceedings and jurisdiction; the Mareva injunction; the Mareva injunction; the enforcement of foreign judgments and awards.


FLAW 406/436:                 International Investment Law 

Introductory ± Principal issues in controversy regarding foreign investments and the Sovereign Authority of states over foreign investments. International Contracts, Nationalisation and Compensation, Permanent Sovereignty of states over natural resources, Codes of conduct for Multinational Corporations, Transfer of Technology, New Methods of Investment Dispute Settlement.


FLAW 437/475:                 Natural Resource Law I

Rights, Institutions and Non-Financial Obligations: Introductory Survey of the Mining Sector, Mineral Exploration and Production Rights, Introductory Survey of the Petroleum Sector, Petroleum Exploration and Production Rights, Land rights and Mineral/Petroleum Rights, Environmental and Safety Issues in Mineral/Petroleum Operations, The Mineral Resources of the Seabed and Ocean Floor, Legal Regulation of Trees and Forests.


FLAW 438/476:                 Natural Resource Law II 

Marketing and Financial Issues: Financing Mineral and Petroleum Operations, The fiscal Regime for Mineral and Petroleum Operations, Marketing Arrangements for Mineral/Petroleum, Exchange Control, Electricity Supply Arrangements, Stability Issues, Dispute Settlement.


FLAW 431/441:                 Intellectual Property Law I

  1. Introduction to Intellectual Property Law: Historical background, characteristics and definition of intellectual property law. Main fields of intellectual property namely, patents, utility models, industrial designs, trade marks, trade secrets, copyright law neighbouring rights

2.Patents: Evolution of patent law and its justification, Conditions of Patentability, National, Regional and International administration of the patent system, Rights of the Patentee and scope of protection, Utility models

3.Copyright Law and Neighbouring rights: Historical development of copyright law ± national and international levels, Basic principles of copyright law, The impact of emerging technologies on copyright, Authors societies, Neighbouring Rights.


FLAW 432/442:                 Intellectual Property Law II 

  1. Trade Marks and Unfair Competition: Introductory overview of trade mark law, Trade mark rights and protection, National and International administration of works and registration, General principles of unfair competition law, The Economic tort of passing off.
  2. Industrial Design: Objective of an industrial design ± Legal System, The varying regimes of industrial design Law ± National and International.
  3. Confidential Information and Trade Secrets: The Nature of Protectable Confidential Information and its obligations, Employee relationships, Defence and remedies.
  4. Transfer of Technology: The concept of technology transfer, Licensing agreements including compulsory licensing, Economic effects of Intellectual Property, Ghanaian Law and Practice on technology Transfers.
5.  Regional Arrangements


FLAW 443/467:                 Conflict of Laws I (General Part)

Introduction to the Conflict of Laws.  Concept and Meaning of Foreign Law; proof of Foreign

Law; Exclusion of Applicable Foreign Law. Domicile ± The Traditional Rules and their Application in Ghana; Developments around the World. Jurisdiction ± In personam; In Rem; Exceptions to Jurisdiction ± sovereign immunity. Foreign Judgements and Foreign Arbitral Awards. Contracts ± Determination of the Proper Law, Law governing Specific Topics. Torts ± Historical Development of the rule for Determining the Applicable Law; Various Views as to the Applicable Law ± Lex Loci; Phillips v. Eyre as modified by Chaplin v. Boys, Proper Law of Tort.


FLAW 444/468:                  Conflict of Laws II

Movable and Immovable property, Succession, Family Law (in outline only) ± Capacity to marry; Matrimonial uses; Recognition of Foreign Decrees. Domestic Relations ± Custody, Guardianship, Legitimacy, Legitimation and Adoption. Classification, Incidental Question, Renvoi, Substance and Procedure, Theories and Methods.


FLAW 445/497:                 Commercial Law I   (Sale of Goods and Hire Purchase)

  1. Sale of Goods: Nature and Formation of a Contract of Sale, Types of obligations Created by the Sale of Goods Act, Duties of the Seller, Duties of the Buyer, Transfer of Property and risk , Remedies of the Seller, Remedies of the Buyer, C.I.F. AND F.O.B. Sales


  1. The Law on Hire-Purchase: Nature of Hire Purchase Agreements, History of Hire Purchase Law in Ghana ± (pre WRGDWH+LUHU¶VULJKWRIWHUPLQDWLRQDQG&RPSOHWLRQ2ZQHU¶V right of recovery, Implied terms, Third Party Rights.


FLAW 446/498:                 Commercial Law II (Agency and Banking)

Definition and Existence of Agency, Capacity to act as Principal, Capacity to act as Agent, Principal and Agent with third Party, Banks, Banking, and Non-Banking Financial Institutions, Negotiable Instruments and their Kin, Banker-Customer Relations, Securities Regulation.

FLAW 447:                          International Human Rights Law I

The Evolution of the Concept of Human Rights, Historical Antecedents of Human Rights, The United Nations Human Rights System, the European System for the Protection of Human Rights, The Inter-American Human Rights System, The African System of Human and

3HRSOH¶V 5LJKW 6\VWHP 7KH &6&( DQG WKH +HOVLQNL )LQDO $FW 1RQ-Governmental Organizations, Domestic Absorptions.


FLAW 448/478:                 International Human Rights Law II   (Specified Topics)

International Humanitarian Law, The Principle of Equality or Non-Discrimination with Particular 5HIHUHQFHWR:RPHQ¶V5LJKWV7KH5LJKWVRIWKH&KLOG)UHHGRPRI2SLQLRQDQG([SUHVVLRQ Human Rights and the Criminal Justice System, The Rights of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples, The International Law of Refugees and Aliens, Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspective.


FLAW 451/495:                 Gender and the Law I

*HQGHUIURPDQ+LVWRULFDODQG$QWKURSRORJLFDO3HUVSHFWLYH:RPHQ¶V6WDWXVIURPD&XOWXUDO Perspective: Customary Norms and Societal Values, Gender and Global Issues: (Population Planning, Women and the




FLAW 452/496:                 Gender and the Law II (Selected Topics)

  1. Legal issues in Family Law: Marriage, Divorce, Custody and Support of Children, Surrogate Mother Contracts.
  2. Gender and health ± Legal Issues Involving Reproductive Matters: Access to Contraception, Abortion, Sterilization, Infanticide, Drug and Alcohol Abuse During Pregnancy, Female Circumcision
  3. Legal Issues Involving Gender and Criminal Law: rape, Domestic Violence
  4. Issues Involving Education
  5. Gender and Employment: Legal Issues Involving Restrictive Access to Certain Occupations; discriminatory Practices in Hiring and promotion; Sexual Harassment, Family Leave Policies.
  6. Legal Issues Involving Women and Property; Women and Inheritance
  7. Legal Issues Involving Women and Development; Women in Political Process


FLAW 453/417:                 Environmental Law I

Introduction:  Evolution, Nature, Object and Development of International Environmental Law and Policy. The Sources of International Environmental Law. Breaches of Environmental Law and Liability for Environmental Harm, Regulation of Environmental Sectors ± International/Domestic (Protection of Marine Environment Against Pollution, Protecting Inland Waters and Rivers, Combating Air Pollution, Protection of Wildlife). Trans Sectoral Problems (Toxic or Dangerous Products and Wastes, Radio activity, Ozone Depletion, Global Warming). Environmental Impact Assessment.


FLAW 454/418:                 Environmental Law II

Marine Environment, Biodiversity Conservation, Regionalism: Africa and the EC, The Ghanaian Environment, Trade, War, Human Rights and the Environment: An overview.


FLAW 465/493:                  Criminology I

The meaning, nature and scope of criminology. The evolution of criminological thought: anthropological theories; biological theories, socio-economic and environmental theories, War, migration and other factors. Phenomenology, Aetiology of crime; Victimology. Legal principles relating to insanity, mental deficiency and other forms of mental in capacity. Criminological Aspects of Victimless Offences: Prostitution, Homosexuality and Lesbianism; Gambling. Crimes of Violence: Robbery, Homicide, Rape and Sexual Offences. Organised Crime: White Collar Offences and Economic Crimes. Theories of Criminal Behaviour.


FLAW 466/494:                 Criminology  II

  1. Drug Addiction and Alcoholism: Drug Law Enforcement. Juvenile Gangs and Delinquency; Child Abuse and Juvenile Justice.
  2. Sentencing; Theories of Punishment: Custodial And Non-Custodial Punishment: Community Service.
  3. N. Standard Minimum Rules, Torture.
  4. Health Needs of Prisoners, Vocational, Technical and Religious Orientation.
  5. The Police and Law Enforcement ± Mob Control.
  6. Criminological Research, Statistics and Forecasting.
  7. Traditional and Modern Crime Control Programmes and Roles of NGOs, Social Workers, and Religious Bodies.
  8. Destitution: Orphanage; Street Children; Begging for Alms, the Aged and Handicapped, Including Lepers and Lunatic Patients.


FLAW 487:          Insurance Law I

The Nature of Insurance: The Contract of Insurance ± Relation to contracts of Gaming and Wagering ± The distinction between Gaming Contracts and Insurance Contracts and its development ± ³SSL´ DQG ³KRQRXU´ SROLFLHV ± Types of Insurance ± Marine and non Marine risks ± the distinguishing features of marine, life, fire and liability insurance.

The Concept of Insurable Interest: Development of the concept of insurable interest ± the principle of indemnity and its relation to insurable   – types of insurable interest.  New developments.


The making of an Insurance contract: The insurance agent; nature of his authority and his liability ± The Contract and special terminology ± the nature, contents and function of the proposal form ± interim receipts and cover notes.


FLAW 488:          Insurance Law II

The rights and Duties of the Parties under the Contract:  The principle of utmost good faith   – the materiality of disclosures by the insured ± the effect of non-disclosure and misrepresentation ± over-and under-insurance – payment of the premium ± return of the  premium and its consequences.

Claims: The right to make a claim ± the quantum of the claim entitlement to claim

Motor Vehicles (Third Party) Insurance ± an outline of case-law and practice in Ghana.


Note:  Students offering this course will be expected to have more than an average grasp of the principles of governing the law of standard contracts.  During the course they will be expected to familiarize themselves with the main forms of standard policies in use in motor and fire insurance in Ghana.



Peter N. Djangmah is a multifaceted individual with a passion for education, entrepreneurship, and blogging. With a firm belief in the power of digital education and science, I am affectionately known as the Private Minister of Information. Connect with me
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