NAGRAT MTN Data Bundle For Teachers | Shortcode and Procedure to Apply
NAGRAT MTN Data Bundle For Teachers | Shortcode and Procedure to Apply
Instant Seekers Data Bundle for All, MTN, AIRTEL -TIGO
What a relief, as the data bundle has become so expensive, teachers have been offered this special data bundle by their Unions. NAGRAT MTN Data Bundle For Teachers | Shortcode and Procedure to Apply
First is the EXCLUSIVE MTN Data Bundle Offer For Teachers -10GB-AND MORE FOR GNAT;
Now is the EXCLUSIVE MTN Data Bundle offer For Teachers Pioneered by NAGRAT
- Revised MTN Zone Bundle Submitted, New charges
- GES Staff Returning from Study Leave with Pay: Online Posting Form Now Available
- Study Leave With Pay Requirement, Approved Subjects and Deadline 2023
- Change of Union Name From CCT-GH
Join Us for queries YOU CAN JOIN OUR
Please Read all before you go, important notes are all here
The NAGRAT teachers Bundle is back, Users can now Purchase their data. Follow procedure outline in this article to buy your data
Here you go with the details,
Bundle and Price
10gig for 27cedis
20gig for 54 cedis
Data is Non-Expiry
- *Dial *227*2234# on MTN Network
- Enter GES Staff ID
- Enter 0
- select the bundle you want
- 10gig for 27cedis
- 20gig for 54 cedis
- Confirm as your Name and the data you are buying shows up.
You’ll receive message for payment.
Incase the Prompt authorization did not appear, dial *170# go to my wallet and approve transaction.
You may also use the link below to purchase the bundle.
NEW Short Code
We would like to inform you about an additional shortcode option for purchasing the NAGRAT MTN data bundle, alongside the existing shortcode. Please take note that this new shortcode requires an OTP (One-Time Password) when dialed from a phone number that is not registered in the e-paylip system or CAGD system.
To retrieve the OTP, kindly follow the instructions below:*
Dial *228*10# from the phone number registered in the e-paylip or CAGD system.
Enter your staff ID.
Select Option 1 to obtain the OTP.
There are two scenarios for purchasing data using this code:*
Scenario 1:
If the phone number registered in the e-paylip system is an MTN number, please follow these steps:
Dial *228*10#
Enter your staff ID.
Select Option 2 to subscribe to the bundle.
Follow the prompts to complete the payment.
Please note that in this scenario, you can make multiple purchases within a month.*
Scenario 2:
If the phone number registered in the e-paylip system is not an MTN number, please follow these steps:
Dial *228*10#.
Enter your staff ID.
Enter the OTP received.
Select Option 2 to subscribe to the bundle.
Follow the prompts to complete the payment.
Please be aware that in this scenario, you have a limited number of times to purchase the bundle within a month.
NAGRAT MTN Data Bundle For Teachers | Shortcode and Procedure to Apply Online
Click on the Link Provided below
Provide your GES Staff ID number
Your Name and Data Purchasing data will show
Click Confirm
Select the type of Data
Select amount
Click continue to payment to proceed
T&C Applies
Loading may take 24hours
Note also that the Bundle is process only within weekdays, weekends and Holidays are not Part.
Who Can Apply
All NAGRAT Members and Other Teachers
Is it only Teachers who can Apply, Dial the code *227*2234# to find out for yourself.
It’s unfortunate some unscrupulous individuals are duping people by promising them the sale of some staff IDs, don’t engage such people they are scammers you won’t hear from them again after you have sent them your money.
No data After Purchase
Please forward the complains/inquries to this Whatsapp number 059 398 7067. Include the evidence of payment and number used to make the payment.
Previously Members could Purchase without Staff ID but Now Proof of Identity is required. Have patience as you wait for full restore.
Available MTN Data Packages | Bundle Codes and Prices in Ghana
MTN AFA Bundle Code | Registration Portal and Packages
Did you know
MTN Has a special Bundle for Associations ?
Association Bundle enables a group to manage their communication requirements independently. Members belonging to this group can get customized service bundle packages (data, voice, and SMS) at subsidized prices.
The Association Bundle also provides a bouquet of products and services like Business Messenger, MTN Unicom, Business CallerTunez, and MOMO Pay on one platform for the group.
- Packages for association members.
- Customized bouquet of products for Associations
- Reporting dashboard for Association.
- Admin portal for MTN Back office.
- Zero-rated member-to-member calls
- Subsidized voice, data, and SMS bundles for Associations.
- Access to tailor-made services.
- Subsidized voice, data, and SMS bundles for Associations.
- Subsidized bouquet of products and services for Associations.
Contact MTN for this special offer.
Contact 0555552404 for any assistance via WhatsApp or text only. No phone calls.
There’s new scam where people are selling staff IDs and promising data. do not fall for it, just dail the short code to purchase, if it’s not working you wait and try again.
EXCLUSIVE MTN Data Bundle Offer For Teachers -10GB- GNAT; Deadline
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[…] NAGRAT MTN Data Bundle For Teachers | Shortcode and Procedure to Apply […]
Which number will I receive the bundle on. Is it the one I used to pay or the one I used for the Staff ID registration
I also have 8731 mb but as I checked now it’s left with 2314 mb had I have not used it for anything
Ii have try doing it but it always says I don’t have any bill for my staff ID
Same here
How many times can one buy it please?
I bought my bundle this morning but still no reflection
Please if you make purchases on weekends when do clients receive it?
Because I made purchase this Sunday.
So meaning i would receive it today on Monday?
I made purchase on Friday 5:38pm and I have not received it yet what should I do please
Are u sure this is real
Please I bought a nagrat stuff bundle last 3 days n yet to be served