Teacher Professional Development

NTC Q and As and How Foreign Students or Teachers Can Register For Ghana Teacher License GTLE

How Foreign Students or Teachers Can Register For Ghana Teacher License GTLE.


New Reforms 

All New Reforms; CPD Points to be revised to 20 Points for all Ranks NTC Teachers and Stakeholders meeting Outcome

The National Teaching Council (NTC) is an agency of the Ministry of Education mandated by the Education Act 2008 (ACT 778) to promote teacher professionalism in Ghana.

1. Mandate of NTC  NTC?

● License and Register teachers
● Develop and periodically review professional practice and ethical standards
● Provide a framework for Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of teachers
● Collaborate with National Council for Tertiary Education (NCTE) to regulate teacher training

2. Why should teachers be licensed and registered?

● The license is the only legal authorization to practice as a teacher in Ghana
● It signifies that the teacher meets the knowledge and skills required by NTC
●  enhances the teacher’s employability globally
● It gives recognition to a teacher as a member of a profession

3. How are teachers licensed and registered?

● They must have completed the initial teacher training program (Diploma, B.Ed, PGDE, etc). The training institution must have uploaded the pass list onto the NTC portal
● They must have passed the Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE)
●  must have been given a provisional license
● They must have completed the induction program (this includes portfolio assessment)

● Full license is then issued

4. How will teachers with foreign qualifications be licensed?

● They must have submitted certificates for verification and confirmation by National Accreditation Board (NAB) before applying for the license

● They must pass the GTLE
● They might have gone through an induction program
● Full license will then be issued

NB: Licensed Foreign Teachers might be exempted from the GTLE and induction program

5. Will applicants pay for licensing and registration?

● There are legally approved fees for GTLE, licensing, and registration as well as renewal

2023 NTC GTLE 1 Re-sit; Application deadline, Fees and Eligibility

6. After licensing what next?

● Undergo CPD

● Build portfolio NTC to Change Portfolio Building Rubrics
● Adhere to prescribed Standards and professional ethics
● Renew license

7. What is CPD?

CPD Points to be revised to 20 Points for all Ranks – NTC Teachers and Stakeholders meeting Outcome

It refers to the process by which teachers maintain and enhance their knowledge, skills, and experiences as they work after any initial training.

8. What goes into CPD?

● Mandatory programs
These are essential training that every teacher is expected to attend through Professional
Learning Community (PLC) programs such as SBI, CBI, DBI

● Rank-based programs (Community of Practice)
These are training programs expected to be attended by teachers in specific ranks, classes, subjects, or positions to deal with specific issues about their assigned roles. (School Improvement Officers, Heads of Schools, HODs, Directors of Education, Subject Teachers, etc)

● Recommended programs
These are training which is recommended by NTC based on needs assessment

● Portfolio building
It is a detailed record of training programs and activities attended by a teacher within a specified period, that is, between the issuance of the license to its renewal.

9. What are Professional Standards and Ethics?
They are a set of guidelines and ethics that govern the conduct of all professional teachers.
The National Teachers’ Standards specify competencies required by individual teachers at various levels.  What is Statement of Professional Standing, How to Apply, and Requirement From NTC

● So, to develop and exhibit the required competencies for their work, teachers are expected to undergo specified professional training at various levels as has been spelled out by the
National Teachers’ Standards
● These trainings include Mandatory ones, rank-based ones, and Post Graduate Diploma in Education for teachers without an education certificate.

10. Would teacher licensing lead to job loss?
● The licensing regime will not kick trained teachers out of service irrespective of their qualification




Peter N. Djangmah is a multifaceted individual with a passion for education, entrepreneurship, and blogging. With a firm belief in the power of digital education and science, I am affectionately known as the Private Minister of Information. Connect with me
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