Nurses can now Apply for Loans on their Phones – How to Apply GRNMA Loan
Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Associations has launched its online platform to aid Nurses and Midwives access loans in the conform of their Homes and when the need arises.
The digitalized Loan Application Process also came with a reduced Loan Interest Rate of 10%.
How to Apply for a Loan
- Check your Payslip if you have GNRA deductions. You need to be a member for a minimum of 3 months.
- Dial the GNRA USSD Code *928*8# to submit your N&MC PIN/AIN and your Registration Number. You will receive your GRBMA INFONET password through SMS.
- Download and install the GRNMA infoNet App, log in, and edit all the required fields including updating your profile picture, ID Card image, and signature.
- Guarantor; Get another Colleague ( you’ll need the Staff ID) who will act as a GUARANTOR to also go through steps 1, 2, and 3 thus Check payslip, Dial USSD Code *928*8# for N&MC PIN/AIN and your Registration Number, Download and also install App and register.
- Generate a Mandate Code How to Generate Mandate Form / a mandate Number and pin from the controller Epayslip platform ( Mandate Code and One Tim Password OTP) would be sent to via SMSby CAGD)
- Check your Affordability rate from the Epayslip
- Log into the GRNMA infoNet App on your Phone and Select the Loan. Click on Request New Loan and Apply for the Loan.
- Submit your Application if everything is complete. You will get an instant SMS from GRNMA that your Loan Application is successful. Your guarantor (Referee) would receive an SMS that She was listed as guarantor to your Loan.
- The Loan approval would go through the necessary administrative stages at every stage, and you will be alerted of its progress via SMS.
How to Generate Mandate Form
To be able to generate a mandate form For a loan, Here is the procedure.
Login to your payslip portal
If you are new then you need to create an account. Click here for steps to Create an account
Select Generate Mandate Form
Click on the New mandate form
Details will be sent to you via sms the number is 70CD6123456 and OTP is 5321
You must not give this code to anyone except for official Use only.
If you cannot access your portal then you can’t have access to this mandate form.
How to Check Affordability
How to Check Your Affordability on CAGD Epayslip Portal
To be able to check your affordability, a permissible amount you can use from your salary to contract a Loan, Here are the procedure.
Login to your Epayslip portal
If you are new then you need to create an account. Click here for steps to Create an account
Select Affordability
View details, You can also print a copy.
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