Revised How to become a SISO ( Circuit Supervisor) in GES; Remunerations and Duties
How to become a SISO ( Circuit Supervisor) in GES; Remunerations and Duties
SISOs are very important in any school settings.
In the Ghana Education Service, there are ways to become SISOs, here are the latest ways to become a SISO in GES.
We also talk about the position’s remuneration and Duties.
The name SISO varies from one country to another depending on which country colonized
which country.
In the United Kingdom and its colonies, it is called the circuit supervisor or the school inspector.
In the American literature, it is referred to as the school superintendent whilst other countries call it the circuit manager.
It is known as the SISO in Ghana.
SISO is Short form of the term School Improvement Support Officer. This position was formally called the CS thus Circuit Supervisor.
The SISO works directly between the Schools and the Education Offices.
This position comes mostly as an upgraded Pre-tertiary School Head within the Circuit.
What are some of the works of SISOs
What are some of the works of SISOs,
The main work of a SISO is to supervise, to ensure the Schools allocated to Him/her is running smoothly.
The SISO is a curriculum leader. He exerts managerial roles in curriculum transactions by creating a culture for establishing a shared vision, common goals and encouraging leadership throughout the circuit.
To ensure managerial effectiveness, the SISO embraces his functions as the primary instructional leader for the educational district, prioritizing learner achievement and effective instructional
practices as the foremost goals of the district.
You may see your SISO requesting for Students Exercise Books, Yes their duty includes collecting data from schools to the Education Offices for Planning and Analysis.
For some Issues the Head teacher cannot address the SISO comes in to Help, You may be called by the SISO either to Check on you or to advice you before forwarding issues to the Education Office.
During Professional Learning Community meetings, you may see the SISO coming to support either as curriculum Lead or Observer or Contributor.
- Participate in the selection of Curriculum Lead
- Collate and submit M&E and FOI data to MMDEO
- Identify training needs of headmasters/mistresses and teachers in collaboration with the MMD training Officer.
Learn More Professional Learning Community(PLC) and FOI. Highlights of the CCP Training
Training Workshop towards the GES PLC App Roll -out.
How to Apply to become a SISO
This position is not available for Direct Graduates to apply. it’s reserved for Teachers who have served for a number of years and rise through the Ranks in GES.
The minimum Rank requirement must be Assistant Director II (ADII) with a number of years on the Rank. This position comes with a minimum of 5 years for those who entered into the Service with Professional Certificate and a degree.
For those with College of Education Certificate it can take about 13 years or more to get there.
After college, Teach for a minimum of 4 years, study leave to School (4 years) come back to teach to be put on scale, Wait for promotion to the Rank ( minimum 5 years ) etc……
Those who are Heads of Schools are easily considered because they may have gathered all the experience over the years of teaching and the required leadership skills needed.
To be selected you must be in the District, even though the position may be announced for those in the Region, being in the District where the position is announced is added advantage.
You must be on the Rank for a number of years before qualifying.
You must show positive attitude towards work and must not have any negative profile letter on your files.
All Applicants who entered the Service with Professional Certificates have advantage than those who entered with non- professional Certificates. Mostly Going to College before getting to the Rank for application gives you added advantage as years in the Service would be more and You may have gained much more experience.
The actual Salary of a SISO is not disclosed but you’re paid base on your rank / scale and responsibility allowances are attached.
Your travel and Transport allowance is assured.
Supervision Allowance
Vehicle maintenance Allowance
There are other allowances attached which for some reasons we can’t disclose. We hope to do so soon.
To be updated with available SISO Positions Soon
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