Soil Conservation Objectives Integrated Science WASSCE Standard 2024 Predictions
Soil Conservation Objectives Integrated Science WASSCE Standard 2024 Predictions By Esther Yeboah
1.Acidity of soils may be reduced by
A. adding manure
B. applying N.P.K
C. growing legumes on the soil
D. liming the soil
Ans: liming the soil
2. Which of the following factors influences the availability of some nutrient in the soil?
A. Soil pH
B. Soil depth
C. Soil consistency
D. Soil color
Ans: soil pH
3. Clayey soil is not suitable for the production of most crops because it
A. has good aeration
B. has low cation exchange rate
C. is poorly drained
D. has high capillarity
Ans: is poorly drained
4. The easiest method of applying fertilizer is the
A. ring method
B. band placement
C. foliar application
D. broadcasting method
Ans:D broadcasting method
5. Which of the following practices promote soil erosion?
A. Contour ploughing
B. Terracing
C. Bush burning
D. Strip cropping
Ans: bush burning
6. The following are associated with mulching except that it
A. enables dissolved nutrients to be washed away.
B. keeps the soil cool
C. prevents the surface of the soil from caking
D. conserves moisture
Ans: enables dissolved nutrients to be washed away.
7. Loam is considered the best type of soil for farming because
A. it is well aerated and can retain some water
B. it has few air spaces which prevent the accumulation of toxic gasses
C. it retains water leading to waterlogging for use during dry seasons.
D. it’s practices are easy to till with least effort
Ans: it is well aerated and can retain some water
8. All the following are activities of soil conservation except
A. over- cropping
B. erection of the wind breaks
C. growing of cover crops
D. practicing land rotation
Ans: over-cropping
9. The vertical section through the soil showing distinct soil layers is known as soil
A. profile
B. erosion
C. structure
D. fertility
Ans: profile
10. A farming method that is regarded as environmentally friendly as
A. Shifting cultivation
B. Land rotation
C. Bush burning
D. Organic farming
Ans: organic farming
11. Which of the following layers of the soil contains the largest population of living organisms?
A. Bedrock
B. Parent rock
C. Top soil
D. Subsoil
Ans: topsoil
12. The major difference between a clayey soil and a sandy soil is in their
A. Colour
B. Texture
C. Mineral content
D. Humus content
Ans: texture
13. Green manual becomes beneficial to the soil when
A. It was ploughed into moist soil just before flowering
B. The soil is free from pests
C. It is ploughed into moist soil after harvesting
D. It is grown with fertilizer
Ans: it is ploughed into moist soil just before flowering
14. Soil conservation can be achieved through
A. Agroforestry
B. Introduction to green manure
C. Mixed cropping
D. Intercropping
Ans: introduction to green manure
15. A soil may lose its fertility through
A. Overcooling
B. Shifting cultivation
C. Ridging
D. Leaching
Ans: leaching
16. Organic matter is added to the soil to
A. reduce the percolation rate
B. Prevent the evaporation of water
C. Facilities the eluviation of nutrients
D. encourage aggregations of soil particles.
Ans: encourage aggregations of soil
17. Drainage in a clay soil can be improved by
A. Addition of chemical fertilizers
B. Addition of organic manure
C. Application of wood ash
D. Application of mulching material
Ans: addition of organic manure
18. Leguminous plants are able to improve upon the nitrogen content of the soil because
A. Their leaves contain high proportion of nitrogen
B. They do not utilize nitrogen
C. They absorb nitrogen during rainfall
D. Microorganisms living in their roots fix nitrogen
Ans: microorganisms living in their roots fix nitrogen.
19. Which of the following methods could be used to control water logging in soils?
A. Irrigation
B. Drainage
C. Mulching
D. Leaching
Ans: drainage
20. The relative proportion of various particle sizes in a given soil sample is called
A. Texture
B. Coarseness
C. Profile
D. Structure
Ans: texture
21. Example of a compound fertilizer is
A. N.P.K. 10-10-10
B. triple superphosphate
C. ammonium sulphate
D. nitrate of potash
Ans: N.P.K.10-10-10
22. Loam is said to be the best type of soil for farming because
A. It is well aerated and can retain some water
B. It retains water by leading to water logging
C. It has fewer spaces
D. Its particles are easy to till with least effort
Ans: it is well aerated and can retain some water
23. The most effective method of reducing erosion on hilly lands is by
A. Terracing
B. Introduction to green legumes
C. Intercropping
D. Mixed cropping
Ans: terracing
24. An example of trace element in plant nutrients is
A. Phosphorus
B. Nitrogen
C. Zinc
D. Potassium
Ans: zinc
25. Liming the soil improves its fertility by
A. Improving soil structure
B. Reducing soil structure
C. Neutralizing soil acidity
D. Decreasing the activity of soil micro-organisms
Ans: neutralizing soil acidity
26. A 50g sample of garden soil weighs 45g after drying in an oven. Determine the percentage
moisture content of the sample.
A. 11%. B.95%
C. 10%. D. 20%
Ans: 10%
27. Which of the following elements is a macro plant nutrient?
A. Phosphorus.
C. Copper.
D. Manganese
Ans: Phosphorus
28. Boron is required in minute quantities by plants because
A. It can be re-used several times
B. It does not play a major role in the plant
C. Large quantities are harmful to plants
D. Plants can synthesize the element
Ans: large quantities are harmful to plants
29. Which of the following is a micro-element
A. Nitrogen
B. Calcium
C. Phosphorus
D. Manganese
Ans: Manganese
30. The correct order of increasing severity of soil erosion is
A. gully erosion, rill erosion and sheet erosion.
B. rill erosion, sheet erosion and gully erosion
C. sheet erosion, rill erosion and gully erosion
D. rill erosion, gully erosion and sheet erosion
Ans:sheet erosion, rill erosion and gully erosion.
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