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Study leave without Pay and it’s effect – GES

Study Leave

Study leave is a facility that is provided to teachers to undertake an approved course of study in any Public training institution or University.

This is to enable teachers to keep abreast of current trends and broaden the scope and experiences of the teaching profession for the benefit of the organization.


Check Study Leave With Pay Requirement, Approved Subjects, and Deadline 2023

There are two types of study leave

Study leave with pay

And Study leave without pay

Study leave with pay is generally intended for teachers who are sponsored under the GES study leave scheme for courses usually approved by the GES.


Click to check approved Courses GES study leave with Pay Programmes and their courses outlines

Search teachers are deemed to be on duty and are therefore entitled to their requests for benefits while on the course,

A Teacher granted study leave with pay will not be promoted while on the course. He/she will, however, earn annual increments, and be eligible for promotion upon return.

To forestall any loss of seniority, such Teachers shall be given notional and substantive effective dates. 

 The period of study leave with pay is leaveconsuming and no leavening.

Study leave without pay

However, given the growing desire of teachers to add value to themselves to remain competitive in an environment of limited job opportunities an increasing number of teachers through their efforts gain admission into institutions of higher learning and take out the payment of tuition and other fees themselves.

This category of teachers seeks to assess the study leave with pay facility primarily for their purpose.

The training may be full-time or part-time.

The part-time training includes distance learning and sandwich programmes which are relevant to the teaching profession, duties and responsibilities as well as the future career development of the teacher

Study leave without pay

Study leave without pay is usually granted as an alternative to resignation in situations where study leave with pay cannot be granted.

However,  some teachers on their application for study leave without pay even though they may have been eligible to access the study leave with pay facility, this may be attributed to their unwillingness to be bonded after their course of study.


1. Loss of salary and SSNIT contribution

2. Denial of outright posting after the course.

3. Challenges of re-engagement, especially through replacement where a staff number is required. TOR (HRM)

4. Denial of promotion while in school.

5. Years in school not counted as years of service

Requirement for Study Leave

Click here to check the previous requirement


Peter N. Djangmah is a multifaceted individual with a passion for education, entrepreneurship, and blogging. With a firm belief in the power of digital education and science, I am affectionately known as the Private Minister of Information. Connect with me
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