Trouble Looms as Physician Assistants set to hit the streets across the country.
Trouble looms as Physician assistants set to hit the streets across the country.
Sitting in the house after long hours of studies and many years of sacrifice is an experience no Graduate would wish to have.
After graduating from the College of Medicine and Universities since 2018, most Physician Assistants felt pretty confident and were convinced they would soon take the first step in a long career path ahead of them.
But the reality was different. Instead, they have become a burden at home, sales men and women, Phone Repairers, pharmaceutical sales representatives – a job they dislikes but needs for the pay cheque.
They have waited patiently, have done their National service, have their permanent license but would not be recruited.
The Ministry of health opened the portal for recruitment of the Physician Assistants, nurses and Midwives who have had their permanent license from the Medical and Dental Council to apply in 2020.
The 2017 batch of Physician Assistants were the only ones to be recruited since the 2018 and 2019 batches permanent licenses got delayed by the Medical and Dental Council.
Protest for jobs
According to the Physician Assistants who are fully prepared for the demonstration come 7th December 2021, were delayed by the Medical and Dental Council and hence during the time for the recruitment, the medical and dental Council have not released their permanent license making them unable to apply .
Due to this, they went to the Ministry of Health and were assured will be recruited immediately their permanent licenses were released.
The Permanent License for 2018 and 2019 batches were released just March 2021.
They have attended various meetings in the hope that they would be posted but all proved futile now that they have the Permanent Licenses.
According to the PAs they have waited long enough and can not wait any longer. They are ready to hit the streets this coming December 7th with a full Force of PAs from 2018 to Date.
For the Unemployed Physician Assistants, they have the full backing of the The Ghana Physician Assistants Association to hit the streets.
Since the Portal has been opened for all health Professionals except The Physician Assistants.
The employment of these graduates is a good addition to the system that will bring new energy of youth into the health system in Ghana. Especially in times when Covid-19 has almost engulfed us. With new Variants being identified across the Globe.
I really can’t wrap my head around what’s going on…..especially when if not all,most health facilities are under-staffed and need the services of Physician assistant!
It is just terrible. The discrimination from moh is unheard of