University of Memphis Doctoral Degree Programs
Earn Your Doctoral Degree
While requirements vary for some programs, such as portofolios, auditions, etc., the following are minimum standards.
A Baccalaureate or Master’s Degree as specified by the program
Applicants must provide an official transcript showing an earned bachelor’s or master’s degree, depending on program requirements. (Students who received bachelor’s degrees from the University of Memphis may disregard this requirement.) In cases, where a program’s accrediting body allows alternate admissions standards, exceptions may be made.
The degree must have been awarded by an accredited college or university.
Only transcripts received directly from an issuing institution are considered official.
Entrance Examinations*
Visit the appropriate program in the Graduate School directory for information on which tests and what scores are acceptable. Scores on MAT exams written in less than 2 month intervals are not acceptable.
*Some programs may waive the entrance examination requirement for applicants with exceptional credentials, extensive professional experience, or a prior graduate degree from an accredited institution. These waivers are at the discretion of the academic program. Check individual program descriptions for details.
Degree Programs
Applied Physics PhD
Audiology AuD
Biology PhD
Biomedical Engineering PhD
Business Administration Accounting
Business Information and Technology
Marketing PhD*
Chemistry PhD
Communication PhD
Communication Sciences & Disorders Hearing Sciences & Disorders
Speech Language Sciences & Disorders PhD
Computer Science PhD
Counseling Psychology PhD
Counselor Education and Supervision PhD
Earth Sciences PhD
Education EdS
Educational Psychology & Research PhD
Engineering Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Physics
Mechanical Engineering PhD
English Applied Linguistics
Literary & Cultural Studies
Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication PhD
Epidemiology and Biostatistics Epidemiology PhD
Health Systems & Policy PhD
Higher & Adult Education Adult Education online icon
Higher Education online icon EdD
History Ancient Egyptian History PhD
Instruction & Curriculum Leadership
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Early Childhood Education
Instruction & Curriculum
Instruction Design & Technology online icon
Special Education
Leadership & Policy Studies Educational Leadership
Policy Studies EdD
Liberal Studies online icon DLS
Mathematical Sciences Applied Statistics
Mathematics PhD
Music Composition
Performance DMA
Music Education
Musicology PhD
Nursing online icon PhD
Philosophy PhD
Psychology Clinical Psychology
Experimental Psychology
School Psychology PhD
School Psychology EdS
Social & Behavioral Sciences PhD
Social Work online icon DSW
Urban Affairs (beginning fall 2021) PhD
Abbreviations of Degrees Offered
AuD – Doctor of Audiology
DLS – Doctor of Liberal Studies
DMA – Doctor of Musical Arts
DSW – Doctor of Social Work
EdD – Doctor of Education
EdS – Education Specialist
PhD – Doctor of Philosophy
- Admissions Requirements University of Memphis
- University of Memphis All Programs Major and Minor Undergraduates
- University of Memphis Ranking
- University of Memphis Address
- University of Memphis tuition | Fees
- University of Memphis Acceptance Rate
- University of Memphis Scholarships
- University of Memphis Masters Degree Programs
- University of Memphis Doctoral Degree Programs