
Chairman Nana Akwasi visits All the EC Offices across the Region amidst the ongoing limited voter registration exercise

Chairman Nana Akwasi visits All the EC Offices across the Region amidst the ongoing limited voter registration exercise

As part of his core mandate and commitment to ensuring the fulfillment of the NDC’s vision of a transparent and wholesome Voter Register, the Ashanti Regional Chairman of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Hon. Augustus Andrews Nana Akwasi, has, over the past 19 days, visited 41 district offices of the Electoral Commission in the Ashanti Region.

During the Chairman’s visits, he took time to interact with the Electoral Commission’s officials in charge of the registration exercise and the security personnel to abreast himself of some technical challenges militating against the smooth running of the exercise, to ascertain the readiness of the EC to conduct free and fair election on December 7, 2024, and to collect the accurate figures of the new registration.

He noted that the exercise had been relatively smooth, in spite of the power outages and network interruptions.

However, he cautioned any political party’s members who would intend to manipulate the process and induce minors to register with the aim of solidifying their base or canvassing vote ahead of the general elections to desist from such illegal activity, since it would undermind our electoral integrity.

Chairman Nana Akwasi also interacted with the new voter registrants and motivated them to be diligent in their choices as they exercise their constitutional franchise particularly in the December 2024 general elections.

Further, the Regional Chairman engaged with the party executives at the various constituencies as well as party members who were helping the executives to monitor the registration exercise. He appreciated their resolve to facilitate the conveyance of the newly qualified voter registrants to the registration centers and also providing them with snacks.

The Chairman hopes to visit the remaining five (5) districts before the exercise ends on the 29th of May, 2024.

Chairman Nana Akwasi visits All the EC Offices across the Region amidst the ongoing limited voter registration exercise

Report filed by:
Bernard Sao (Nana Brobbey)
Media Relations to the Chairman


Peter N. Djangmah is a multifaceted individual with a passion for education, entrepreneurship, and blogging. With a firm belief in the power of digital education and science, I am affectionately known as the Private Minister of Information. Connect with me
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