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Teachers Pension Monies in Serious Danger NAGRAT President Press Release

Teachers’ Pension Monies in Serious Danger NAGRAT President Press Release


Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press.

You have been invited this morning to the NAGRAT Lyceum due to a very dangerous
development that has reached the point that if not addressed will end up destroying
Institutions and Organisations in the public service.

Workers of this country have and continued to give invaluable service to the nation,
but unfortunately, the government we work for has decided to take from the
Ghanaian workers and the various Unions what is even theirs.

Every month, workers pay dues to their Unions and also, deductions for their Tier 2
Pensions and other third-party contributions like loans to the Banks.

These deductions are made from the Salaries of workers. Unfortunately, when the
Controller and Accountant General make these deductions, but they fail to regularly and
timely transmit the deducted money to the designated Institutions.

For example, the last payment made to the various Tier 2 Trusts was in June 2023. so it means that
though the government has deducted the monies from the worker’s salaries, they have failed to pay the various Trust Boards.

The danger here is that when people retire, they cannot be paid the right compensation for their benefits and some may even be denied their pensions altogether.

The last time the government transferred deducted dues and other third-party deductions to the various unions was in December 2023.

What this means is that there seems to be a deliberate attempt by the powers that be to stifle Union
operations in Ghana.

The bigger question is, where are the monies that have been deducted lodged? Who
or what accounts are the worker’s monies being kept and for what purpose?

The Ministry of Finance and its agency, the Controller and Accountant General
The department should be clear and explain.

We give the Ministry of Finance and the Controller and Accountant General one
week to transfer all these deducted funds to their legitimate organizations. Failure
to do that the unions cannot be blamed for any industrial disruption.



Peter N. Djangmah is a multifaceted individual with a passion for education, entrepreneurship, and blogging. With a firm belief in the power of digital education and science, I am affectionately known as the Private Minister of Information. Connect with me
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