Tertiary Admissions/ Updates

HTI Portal | MOH Admission Portal

Here are the HTI Portal and MOH Admission Portal. All the Nursing schools thus Health Training Institutions use this Portal .https://portal.healthtraining.gov.gh/login

The HTI Portal is for the Users who have created Accounts Already and for new Applicants to any of the Health Training Institutions HTI.

The Various Health Training institutions thus HTI or the Nursing Schools all have an integrated portal from the Ministry of Health and that is the HTI Portal. 

Users Login

Those who already have an account and wish to check details or re-login to the portal have to use the First Portal.

Go to your web browser

Search HTI Portal 

Observe that the Link you click on has the Lock Key on. Meaning the site is secure.

Currently, the Official Site comes in Blue and White colours. The Blue is for the Background and writings and the White is where you need to provide your login credentials.

To log in to the HTI Portal Provide Username or Email

Enter Password

To reset your Password Click on Reset Password and provide your Email or User name then Click on Generate Code

Ministry of Health, MOH  HTI Portal https://portal.healthtraining.gov.gh/login

HTI Admission Portal

The HTI Admission Portal or the Nursing School Admission Portal link is provided below.

To log in You need a Pin and a serial number.

When you buy the forms from the Bank or dealers, the Pin, and serial number will be provided.

When you click on the HTI Admission Portal Link the MOH Portal will be opened for you to provide the details.

Enter the Pin

Provide the serial Number

If it’s correct click on submit.

HTI Admission Portal / Entrance https://portal.healthtraining.gov.gh/application

When Buying the Forms be sure you obtain them from the recommended vendors or go to the Bank, do not share your login credentials with anyone.

Be mindful of the contact number you enter during the registration. You will be sent a message via the contact.

All the Best



Peter N. Djangmah is a multifaceted individual with a passion for education, entrepreneurship, and blogging. With a firm belief in the power of digital education and science, I am affectionately known as the Private Minister of Information. Connect with me

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