Tertiary Admissions/ Updates

UFS Oracle Login | Course Registration and Admission Status Checker 2024

Here is the UFS Oracle Login For  Course Registration and Admission Status Checker

The UFS Oracle  Login

UFS Oracle is the unified database system used by the University of the Free State to store and retrieve information.

It is used to track student information, courses offered, faculty information, and other records related to the UFS. The database system is designed to make the administration and tracking of student data more efficient.

Student Self-Service Provides information and data on

Academic records
Financial records
Proof of registration
Housing and Residence Affairs

To log in to UFS Oracle

UFS Oracle Login, The URL for the UFS Oracle database is https://ufs-oracle.ufs.ac.za.


All UFS Students Self Services Portal

All UFS Services can be Obtain here

The UFS Oracle Portal login is the one provided above,

To Check the  UFS blackboard Portal go to the  Student self service Portal or UFS login.

Use this link to Access the UFS status check login   UFS status check login 
or visit the self service page with this link  https://www.ufs.ac.za/kovsielife/student-self-service for your UFS online application. When you visit the page and you want to check your
UFS application through the ufs status check oracle, all you need to do is to scroll down and select the middle portal thus students self service. Click on it, you will be asked to sign in.

Do not sign in rather use the External link for Application status and Alumni


Note: UFS Applicants and Alumni:

Please log in by clicking on the link below.

External Users  . Click on this rather



Peter N. Djangmah is a multifaceted individual with a passion for education, entrepreneurship, and blogging. With a firm belief in the power of digital education and science, I am affectionately known as the Private Minister of Information. Connect with me

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