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BECE 2022 English Questions and Answers pdf Science

BECE 2022 English Questions and Answers pdf Science

Educative Purpose Only, Solve with Your Students. We target those in remote Areas. It is also to help non-examiners to use the standard approach in marking to help students. Send us a message in the comment section if you have any issues. 

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ICT BECE 2022 Questions and Answers

BECE 2022 English Questions and Answers



This paper consists of three parts: A, B and C. Answer three questions in all one question
from Part A and all the questions in Part B and Part C. Answer all the questions in your answer

Credit is given for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of material.

A, B and C. Candidates are expected to answer three questions in
all, ONE question from PART A and Questions 4 & 5.


The minimum length of each composition should be 250 words.
Mark Allocation: Each composition is to be marked out of a total of 30 marks distributed
as follows:

CONTENT 10 marks
EXPRESSION     10 marks

NB: The script of a candidate who writes on a topic other than the ones set should be
referred to the  the Chief Examiner. Tell your students to write on the topic. Train them well.

Expectations from Candidates


The candidate is expected to demonstrate a good knowledge of the basic rules of the
English language.

These include concord: subject – verb, noun – pronoun agreement, etc.; the proper use of capital letters and correct spelling of words. The candidate should also be able to use determiners and prepositions correctly and be capable of constructing sentences with all their vital components.


Each grammatical error. wrong spelling – the wrong spelling of the same word should be penalized

Faulty construction.

Punctuation error and the wrong use of the capital or small letter.

The pronoun ‘I’ if written as a small letter (i).
Each of these errors should be ringed and half a mark (2) deducted


See an Examiner in your School / District for more.



[30 marks]

Answer one question only from this part.

Your composition should be about 250 words long

Question 1

1. Write an article for publication in your school magazine on the topic, My Role Model and
how he/she has Influenced me.

Answers to Question 1

The following features are mandatory:
Title or heading
Writer’s name
Writer’s class/form/house
The essay is in two parts: a description of the candidate’s role model; and how he/she has been
influenced by the role model. Both parts should be well discussed to earn a good mark of 6 or

Award not higher than 4 marks if only one part is discussed.

Organisation: 5 marks

Paragraphs should be well developed and properly linked.

Mark organisation out of 3 marks if a candidate writes the features of a letter.

Expression: 10 marks

The language should be descriptive and formal. Appropriate vocabulary should be used.

The use of slang, colloquialism and contracted forms should be controlled. There should be
varied sentence patterns.

Mechanical Accuracy: 5 marks

The candidate is expected to display a good knowledge of concord; tense; spelling and
punctuation. He/she should be able to construct meaningful sentences.

Question 2

2. Write an interesting story that ends with the expression, Unfortunately I realized when it was too late that my friend was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Answers to Question 2

Content: 10 marks

The candidate should show a clear understanding of the expression. Award not more than
4 marks if the story does not bring out the saying. Fables are not acceptable.

Organisation: 5 marks

The story should have a plot, a setting and a conclusion. The paragraphs should be properly
developed and well connected.

Expression: 10 marks

The language should be clear and easy to understand. The use of figurative language, direct
speech and expressions suitable to the subject matter should be rewarded with 6 marks or higher.

Mechanical Accuracy: 5 marks

The candidate is expected to display a good knowledge of concord; tense; spelling and
punctuation. He/she should be able to construct meaningful sentences.

Question 3

3. Write a letter to your friend describing two ways in which you prepared for your father’s birthday party and tell him/ her what made the party a memorable one.

Answers to Question 3

Content: 10 marks

The candidate is expected to write a letter in two parts: a description of two ways in which he/she prepared for his/her father’s birthday party; and what made the party memorable.

The candidate must discuss both parts well to score 6 marks or higher for Content. Mark content out of 5 marks if a candidate writes on only one part. If he/she discusses only one preparation and what made the party memorable. Mark content out of 7.

Organisation: 5 marks

This is an informal letter and the following features are expected:
Writer’s address
Salutation-Dear + first name
Subscription – Yours, Yours ever, Yours sincerely etc.
Writer’s first name
Ideas should be logically presented; paragraphs should be well developed and properly linked.

Mark organisation out of 3 marks if the formal features are left out/not properly written.

Expression: 10 marks

The language should be chatty and decent.
The use of contracted forms of verbs is expected. Slangs and colloquialism are allowed but
should be controlled. Sentence patterns should be varied.

Mechanical Accuracy: 5 marks

The candidate is expected to display a good knowledge of concord; tense; spelling and
punctuation. He/she should be able to construct meaningful sentences.


Read the following passage carefully and answer all the questions which follow.

Ogboo was a very successful business man. He owned a fleet of vehicles. He was very
generous and highly respected in his village. His children were very dear to him but he did not
pamper them.

He considered some modern gadgets dangerous, too expensive and a way of
encouraging laziness among children.

Therefore, no labour-saving gadgets were found in his kitchen.
He insisted that food tasted better when prepared in the traditional way. He was also his children’s barber.

At school, his children were the only pupils who received letters, popularly called snail mail.
Akwei, his eldest child, was always the object of ridicule among his peers. He patiently bore all thehumiliation.

When he completed school and his father made him manage his business, he decided to
do things differently. He bought a cellular phone for his mother and equipped the house with modern gadgets.

He also installed tracking devices on his father’s vehicles and insisted on the drivers using
mobile money transfer services. He swore the drivers to secrecy.

In an era when car snatching, drivers cheating their employers and armed robbery were
the order of the day.

Ogboo’s transport business continued to flourish. He seemed to be insulated against theft. This amazed everyone.

Soon, tongues began to wag. Ogboo was accused of possessing magical powers. Others insinuated that he was in league with the armed robbers.

People shunned his company. One day, at a meeting organized by the transport owners, Akwei let the cat out of the bag.

Questions  and Answers 

Q ? a) Write two things Ogboo did that showed that he did not pamper his children.

he decided to do things differently.

No labour-saving gadgets were used/found in his kitchen/home/Food was
prepared in the local/traditional way.

He didn’t provide garget for his children

He barbered/cut/trimmed the children’s hair.

He did not allow them to use expensive/costly/modern/latest/newest/fashionable
/most recent/current devices/gadgets.

(Any 2 of the above for 2 marks each).

b) What were two of the problems that car owners faced?

Ans i. He bought a phone for his mother/He equipped his father’s house with modern
gadgets/ He installed tracking devices on his father’s vehicles / He asked the
drivers to use mobile money services (instead of keeping cash) / He swore the
drivers to secrecy. When candidates do not add “S” to the noun -1/2
(Any 2 of the above for 1 mark each).

Dependable/reliable / loyal/trustworthy/current/abreast of the times.
Obedient. modern
(Any 2 of the above for 1 mark each).

c) Akwei let the cat out of the bag. What did Akwei do?

Car jacking/snatching; drivers being dishonest /drivers cheating their employers; armed
robbers attacking drivers.
(Any 2 of the above for 1 mark each).

d) Why did he let the cat out of the bag?

He told the other transport owners about the use of the car tracking devices and
the use of mobile money services. He revealed the secret behind his father’s
successful/flourishing business.
2 marks

He revealed the secret = 0

To save his father’s good name / reputation; to stop the people from saying bad /
negative things/gossiping/spreading false rumours about his father/ to stop the
people from slandering/maligning/defaming his father.

2 marks

e) Identify two of the things that Akwei did differently.

i) Order of the day – the norm; regular / common practice / occurrence / very
common/rampant. prevalent / predomment / wide spread
2 mark

ii) Tongues began to wag – people were gossiping/talking about/discussing; people
started to spread false rumours/say negative things. People were spreading/started
spreading false rumours. People started speaking ill about…. people began to whispe
(Any 1 of the above for 2 marks).

f) List two adjectives that can be used to describe Akwei’s drivers.

Explain, in your own words, the following expressions as used in the passage:

order of the day;

tongues began to wag;

in league with.

In league with were partners/ friends / accomplices of; knew or belonged to
(their group/gang)/ was a friend to/of.

Highly – very much / really / extremely / well; greatly; deeply, immensely.
Pamper-spoil / indulge / coddle/baby/nanny; cosset.
2 marks each

take charge of; head; preside over; supervise; superintend; oversee;

take care of; administer; man; run; handle the affairs of.

Installed – put; placed; fixed; set, planted; concealed; hid.

Flourish grow; thrive; boom; prosper; improve; make profits; be profitable;

expand; blossom; do well; be successful; be lucrative; progress.
2 marks each

For each of the following words, give another word or a phrase that means the same and
can fit into the passage:


Deduct half a mark for any grammatical/expression error(s) at each scoring point.

Where a candidate gives two answers to a question and one of them is wrong, award
zero. If, however, both answers are correct, award full marks.

Where words/expressions are expected to be given to replace words/expressions in
the passage, they must fit in perfectly. Otherwise, award zero.

Answers need not be written in sentences, unless otherwise stipulated.

An answer, taken as a whole, must make sense before any part of it is accepted for


(a) Deduct ½ mark for any grammatical/expression error at each scoring point.
(b) Where a candidate gives two answers and one of them is wrong, award zero (0). If,
however, both answers are correct, award full marks.
(c) An answer taken as a whole must make sense before it may be accepted for scoring.
(d) Award zero if a candidate spells a name, a literary device, etc. wrongly.

Questions 5(a) to 5(c) are based on the abridged and simplified version of Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist.

SACKEY J.A. and DARMANI L.(COMP.): The Cockcrow

“You know why, son. If a rich and successful man marries a woman whose name is stained
because of her birth, it will be quite sad indeed…. wicked people will not let her forget her past, even though it’s not her fault.”(2 CHARLES DICKENS: Oliver Twist

(d) son and rich and successful man refer to The speaker is

– a woman whose name is stained because of her birth….

How did her birth stain her name?

Read the following extract carefully and answer Questions 5(d) and 5(e).

LAWRENCE DARMANI: Sosu and the Bukari Boys

“Sosu felt his parents were very mean; otherwise, why did they give him such a small
amount of money? Look at his friend, Bukari, who always brought a lot of money to school!…
Bukari’s father dropped him at school every day while he and Vivian had to walk.”

The extract brings out the theme of ……..

The main literary device used in the extract is
(Page 122)

(Page 150)


Read the following extract carefully and answer Questions 5(f) to 5(h).

AMA ATA AIDOO: The Dilemma of a Ghost

The master-scholar was sitting on the chair studying, so he could not move off!
Monka needed the chair because …….

The scene of this extract is

The master-scholar refers to …….

Read the following extract carefully and answer Questions 5(1) and 50).

LADE WOSORNU: Desert Rivers and Without a sound

They gush out into the bowels of the seas

Far, far away from the unaided human eyes

If you cannot see our tears

It does not mean we do not cry.

Water/ Rivers as used in the poem are symbols of ………

If you cannot see our tears

It does not mean we do not cry.

The above lines bring out the theme of …….

Literature: The Cockcrow
[10 marks]

2 marks each
Harry Maylie / Mrs. Maylie’s son / Rose’s husband./Harry.
Mrs. Maylie / Harry Maylie’s mother /Rose Maylie’s mother-in-law./ Harry’s mother.
Her father changed his name (because he felt disgraced / ashamed) / Her father was
unknown / Her sister became pregnant when she was not married / She was homeless.

Ingratitude / Greed / Selfishness / Not being satisfied/ content with what one has / is
given/ Discontent/Ignorance; not being appreciative; enviousness. Envy discontment
Suppering in silence. grieving
There was a family meeting/ Ato had not got a seat / Ato was standing.
She wanted to give it to Ato.
Any one of the above for 1 mark.
Ato’s family house / Ato’s village./Odumna Clan house/Ato’s mothers’s house. A family muity
Ato’s house = 0.
Ebow / Ato’s brother / Esi Kom’s son. Munka’s brother
Life / living/ rejuvenation./hope/revival/regeneration/rebirth.
Suffering without complaining / being stoical/being a stoic; long suffering. endurance
grieving Only “suffering” -1₂ grief/mourm
1 mark each


How to Apply for WASSCE / BECE Examiner and Check Subject Eligibility 


ICT BECE 2022 Questions and Answers

BECE 2022 English Questions and Answers

CPD Points to be revised to 20 Points for all Ranks – NTC Teachers and Stakeholders meeting Outcome


Peter N. Djangmah is a multifaceted individual with a passion for education, entrepreneurship, and blogging. With a firm belief in the power of digital education and science, I am affectionately known as the Private Minister of Information. Connect with me
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