KNUST Admission and Accommodation (Residential ) Fees 2024
KNUST Admission and Accommodation (Residential ) Fees 2024
The Admission and Accommodation Fee margin is not that much hence if you know the Fees and that of the Previous Academic year, you could prepare just a little above that one, explore KNUST Admission and Accommodation (Residential ) Fees 2024.
Here we Bring you the amount paid by Current Continous student for you to prepare.
To gain insight into the 2024/25 KNUST Admission and Accommodation Fees, it’s worth noting that the difference in fees is relatively small. If you are familiar with the fees from the previous academic year, you can anticipate a slight increase.
Fees Schedule 2024/2025 Academic Year
Fees: GH₵ 1,351.43
Residential: GH₵ 1,002.75
Total: GH₵ 2,354.18
Fees: GH₵ 1,619.61
Residential: GH₵ 1,002.75
Total GH₵ 2,622.36
Please note that the 2024 Admission and Accommodation Fees are not included here but can be expected to be slightly higher than the 2022/2023 fees.
Check KNUST Admission list and download letter 2024
Academic Fees |
Akan Langauge & Culture /English/Political Studies/Geography & Rural Development/ History/ Linguistics/Sociology/Social Work/ Economics/French & Francophone studies/ Media and comm.
studies/ Religious Studies |
1,619.61 |
Bsc. Business Administration(All areas of specialization)/LAW | 1,772.60 |
Hospitality & Tourism Mgt | 2,692.60 |
Chieftancy and Traditional Leadership studies | 2,510.25 |
Actuarial Science/Mathematics/Statistics | 1,893.35 |
Computer Sci./Env’t Science/Food Science & Tech/Meteo & Climate
Sci/Optometry/Physics/ Biochemistry/Biological Science/Chemistry |
1,893.35 |
Agricultural Eng./Aerospace Eng./Biomedical Eng./Chemical/Civil
Eng/Computer Eng./Electrical & Electronic Eng/Geological Eng/Geomatic Eng./Materials Eng./Mechanical Eng./Metallurgical Eng./Petrochemical Eng/Petroleum Eng/Telecom Eng/Marine Eng./Automobile Eng./Industrial Eng. |
1,772.60 |
Comminication Design/Integrated Rural Art/Publishing
Studies/Painting and sculpture/ Architecture/Ceramics/Ceramic Technology/Construction Tech. & mgt/Development Planning/Fashion Design/Human Settlement Planning/Land Economy/Metalsmithing & Jewellery Tech/Real Estate/Quantity Surveying/Textile Design and Technology |
1,893.35 |
Agriculture/Agric Biotechnology/Agric Business
Mgt/Aquaculture/Forest Resource Tech/Landscape Design/Nat Resources Mgt/Post Harvest Tech/Packaging Technology |
1,893.35 |
Disability & Rehabilitation | 2,014.10 |
Herbal Medicine/Nursing/Midwifery/ Nursing- Obuasi/Medical
Imaging/Medical Lab Tech/ Pharmacy/ Physiotherapy and Sports Science |
1,772.60 |
Dip. Community Health nursing(Upgrade)/ Dip. General
Nursing(Upgrade) |
2,310.00 |
Veterinary Medicine | 2,012.62 |
Physician Assistanship | 1,896.84 |
Human Biology(Medicine)/Dental Surgery | 2,012.62 |
Bachelor of Education (Science, ICT & Maths) | 1,772.60 |
- Residential Fees and Academic Fees should be paid separately into the same accounts
KNUST Admission Forms for 2023 /2024 Out on Sale | Fees | Programme | Cut off point
Examination | 288.65 |
Matriculation | 18.11 |
Health Care | 72.45 |
Technology Service (ICT) | 241.50 |
Physical Development Levy** | 48.30 |
Student Guide | 26.57 |
Identity Card | 18.11 |
Medical Examination | 48.30 |
Students Integration Fee | 42.26 |
Library fee | 36.23 |
Communication Skills | 14.49 |
Paperless Communication | 109.25 |
NUGS Dues | 8.40 |
SRC Devt Fund | 66.41 |
Residential Fees | GHC |
Residential Facility User | 1,844.41 |
Hall Dues | 78.49 |
Hall Dev’t Fund | 60.38 |
Fuel for generators | 100.00 |
Hall ICT Fees | 84.53 |
Total | 2,167.80 |
SRC Welfare Fund | 24.15 |
Endowment Fund | 16.10 |
SRC Dues | 36.75 |
Sports Fees | 36.23 |
Focus FM | 7.25 |
College Dues | 57.75 |
Campus Bus | 80.50 |
Entrepreneurship Endowment Fund | 5.00 |
Sub Total | 1,302.75 |
What are the available options?
There are Six Halls of residence and a number of hostels on the University Campus. They are Queen Elizabeth II Hall , Unity Hall, Independence Hall, Republic Hall, University Hall, and Africa Hall. All the Six Halls of residence are mixed (Male and Female). Of the five hostels, two are for postgraduate students, one for both undergraduate and graduate students and managed by the Ghana Universities Staff Superannuation Scheme (GUSSS).
Accommodation of International Students in University Residential/Hostel Facilities
As part of the measures to improve the security of our Students, particularly International Students and to ensure the provision of an enabling residential facility and environment for their studies and stay, it is the policy of the University that, all International Students are to be accommodated on Campus in University’s Halls of Residence, GUSSS, Hall Seven and SRC Hostels Facilities. It is therefore an offence for any International Student to lodge outside the designated places.
The University is unable to guarantee all students accommodation (especially continuing students). Most students are, therefore, living in private sector housing (hostels), most of which are located outside the University Campus. A majority of these hostels are however, within walking distances to the University Campus.
There is a wide range of private hostel accommodation for students of KNUST to consider in Kumasi. These range from hostels with shared kitchen and bathroom facilities to flats, those with the study bedrooms having their own private bathrooms and small kitchenettes. Some of the hostels even have air conditioners and internet connectivity in the study bedrooms. All of them are self-catering. Kumasi is a fantastic city to live in and living in your own accommodation away from the University will afford you the best opportunity to experience the vibrant and diverse nature of the city. However, private hostel accommodation is not easy to find and costs are considerably high in Kumasi.
More detailed information, including the list of private hostels, their locations, facilities and services, as well as rents, are available at the Students Housing and Residence life Unit at the Dean of Students Office.
Non-Resident Students Facilities
There are three (3) Non-Resident facilities on Campus. One is located behind “Club B” (very close to College of Art and Social Sciences) while the other two are located at the main Faculty Area. All of them have reading rooms, bathrooms, and lockers where students can keep their books. Two of these facilities have entertainment/T.V. rooms, which are connected to a 24-hour Multi Choice DSTV Transmission.
Ideally these facilities are meant to serve as learning and resting places for non-resident students during lunch breaks and their free periods while they are on Campus. Indeed, the facilities are highly patronized by non-resident students especially during examination periods when they operate 24 hour basis.
How are residential facilities administered?
The University currently has six Halls of Residence. The GUSSS, Graduate Students, Credit Union and the SRC have a Hostel each on campus. Ghana Hostels Limited also has residential facility on campus. The three are managed differently from the main halls. A Hall Council consisting of Senior and Junior members administers each Hall. The Executive Head of the Hall is the Hall Master who is assisted by a Senior Tutor. There is also a Hall Bursar and other supporting staff. The Hall authorities determine the number of students in a room. The Hall authorities of the various Halls constitute the Committee of Hall Administrators who formulates common policies for all the Halls.
- = Tuition
- = Other Charges
- = Thesis/Oral Examinations
D= Research Support Fees/Additional Fee
All Added as TOTAL
Asante History/ Comparative Literature/Religious studies/ Social Work/ Sociology | 6,255.01 |
Chieftaincy and Traditional leadership/Geography and rural development | 6,255.01 |
MSc Geography and Sustainable Development | 6,255.01 |
MSc Computer Sc./Maths/Actuarial/Climate Sc./ Statistics/Physics | 6,563.21 |
MSc Food Science and Technology | 7,793.71 |
Cyber-security and digital forensic | 6,563.21 |
MSc Information Technology/MSC Land Governance and Policy | 7,196.86 |
MSC Land Governance and Policy/ MSC Real Estate (Weekend) | 16,497.06 |
M. Arch. (Master of Architecture) | 6,563.21 |
MSc. Architecture | 6,563.21 |
MA. African Culture/ Art education/ Integrated Arts & Industry/ Publishing/ Mcomm.
Design/ MFA Ceramics/ MFA Jewellery and Metal smithing/MFA Painting/ MFA Painting And Sculpture/ MFA Sculpture/ MFA Textile Design |
6,563.21 |
MFA Textile Design (Weekend) | 8,469.06 |
MA. Art education | 9,997.06 |
MSc Agribusiness Management/ Agric. Econs & Farm mgt./Agric. Extension/Vegetable crop prodn. | 6,563.21 |
Natural Resource and Environmental Governance/ Packaging Technology and management | 6,563.21 |
Geo-information Science | 6,678.21 |
Audiology/ Clinical Pharmacy/ Pharmaceutical Technology | 7,794.86 |
MPH/MSc Disability, Rehabilitation and Development/ MPH/MSc Health Education and promotion/MPH/ MSc Healthservices planning and Mgt./ MPH/MSc Occupational health & Safety/MSc population & Reproductive Health/
Health System Research Mgt./ |
14,814.06 |
MPH Global Health | 14,814.06 |
MPH/MSc Disability, Rehabilitation and Development/ MPH/MSc Health Education and promotion/ MPH/MSc Health services planning and Mgt./ MPH/MSc Occupational health &
Safety/MPH/MSc population & Reproductive Health/ Health System Research Mgt.(Weekend) |
18,694.06 |
MSc Clinical Nursing | 12,289.56 |
MSc Global Mental Health Policy, Services and development | 7,276.21 |
MSc Engineering (all programs) | 7,621.21 |
MSc Renewable Energy Technologies | 13,296.56 |
MSc. Economics | 11,064.56 |
MSc. Agricultural Extension and Development Communication(Weekend) | 11,064.56 |
LLM. LAW | 15,645.06 |
MSc Accounting and Finance/ MSc Finance/ MSc Accounting/ corporate Governance/
Finance and investment/ Logistics and supply chain/ Management and Human resource/ Marketing/ Procurement |
15,384.06 |
MSc Air Transportation and Aviation management | 15,344.06 |
Master of public Administration | 6,255.01 |
Master of public Administration(Weekend) | 15,344.06 |
Business – MBA (Full Time) | 8,482.06 |
Business – MBA (Top Up & Obuasi) | 9,582.06 |
Business – MBA Strategic management and management consulting (Top Up) | 9,582.06 |
Business – MBA (Part time/ Weekend) | 9,652.06 |
Business – MSc (All Areas of Specialisation/Logistics) | 15,384.06 |
Planning/Development Studies/Development
Policy & Planning/Development Planning & MGT./ Facilities Mgt./ Real Estate /Dev. Planning & Mgt./ Dev. Policy & Planning/Urban Management Studies/Transportation Planning(weekend) |
16,497.06 |
MSc Creative Art Therapy | 9,469.01 |
Construction Mgt./Procurement Mgt./Project MGT/Project MGT(BT) | 20,666.51 |
MSc. Educational Enovations and Leadership Science | 9,934.56 |
Master of Education | 9,934.56 |
Master of Education(Sandwich | 9,997.06 |
MEd. (Science Education(Sandwich), Mathematics Education(Sandwich),ICT
Education(Sandwich),Language and Literacy Education(Sandwich), Planning and Administration(Sandwich),Higher Education Pedagogy(Sandwich)) |
9,934.56 |
MEd. Planning and Administration(Online) | 9,934.56 |
Post Graduate Diploma in Education | 9,231.01 |
Chieftaincy/ Economics/ English/French/ Geography/History/ Political Science/Religious Studies/ sociology/ social work/ | 6,255.01 |
Biological Science/ Biotechnology/
chemistry/ computational chemistry/ computer science/ cyber-security and digital forensics/ Ecology/ Entomology/ Environmental Science/ Environmental chemistry/ Experimental Taxonomy/ Food Science and Technology/ forensic Science/ Geophysics / Human Nutrition and dietetics/ Information Technology/ inorganic and coordination chemistry/ Limnology and Fisheries/ mathematical science/ mathematical statistics/ mathematics/ Meteorology and climate science/ microbiology/ Nuclear Science And Tech. / Organic and Natural product/ organic chemistry/ parasitology/ physical chemistry/ physics/ Plant Pathology/ polymer science and technology/ pure mathematics/Reproductive Biology/ scientific computing and industrial modelling/ theoretical and applied biology/ Vision Sciences/ Solid State Physics/ Material Science/ Mathematics and Computation Physsics/ Environmental Physics 6,563.21 |
6,563.21 | |
Chemical pathology/
Clinical Microbiology/ Clinical Pharmacy/ clinical Pharmacology/Haematology/ Pharmaceutical chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Micro Biology/ Pharmaceutics/ Pharmacognosy/ Pharmacology
7,794.86 |
7,794.86 | |
African Art and Culture/
Art Education/ Communication Design/ Integrated Art/ Painting And Sculpture/ 6,563.21 |
6,563.21 | |
Agribusiness/ Agric. Extension/
Agricultural economics/Aquaculture/ Vegetable crop production/ Wildlife and Range management 6,563.21 |
6,563.21 | |
Agronomy/ Animal Breeding and genetics/ Animal nutrition/Crop physiology/ Crop Protection/Entomology/ Floriculture/Fresh Water Fisheries/ Fruit Crops/ Meat Science/Olericulture/ plant breeding/ Plant pathology/Pomology/ Post Harvest physiology/ Post harvest technology/ Reproductive 6,563.21 |
6,563.21 | |
Mphil. Actuarial Science/
Mphil Analytical Chemistry/ Animal and Plant Physiology/Biochemistry/ Biodata Analytics and computational Genomics 6,563.21 |
6,563.21 | |
Mechanical Engineering(Top-up) 7,276.21 | 7,276.21 | |
Educational Planning and Administration/
Language Education/ Science Education/ ICT Education/ Mathematics Education/ Educational Enovations and Leadership Science 5,503.11 |
5,503.11 | |
Educational Enovations and Leadership Science/Art Education(Weekend) 10,997.06 | 10,997.06 | |
Aquaculture and environment 6,563.21 | 6,563.21 | |
Natural Resource and Environmental Governance 8,978.21 | 8,978.21 | |
Wildlife and Range management 6,678.21 | 6,678.21 | |
Human Physiology/ Immunology/ molecular Medicine/ Physiology 7,793.71 | 7,793.71 | |
Human Anatomy & Forensic Science
10,125.56 |
Nursing | 9,559.56 | |
All Engineering | 7,276.21 | |
MPHIL. Geographic Information Systems | 9,979.56 | |
Intellectual Property(MIP) | 14,246.01 | |
Health Systems Research & Mgt/Field Epidemiology And Applied Biostatistics | 14,814.06 | |
Disability, Rehabilitation & Development | 7,597.06 | |
Health Systems Research & Mgt(Weekend) | 18,694.06 | |
Disability, Rehabilitation & Development(Weekend) | 9,497.06 | |
Clinical Rehabilitation and Exercise Therapy | 12,501.00 | |
Medical Imaging | 12,299.56 | |
Disability, Rehabilitation and Development | 7,597.06 | |
Construction Mgt./Procurement Mgt./Project MGT. | 15,997.06 | |
Building Techonolgy | 11,548.06 | |
Creative Art | 7,292.01 | |
Fashion Design Technology/ Textile Design Technology/Ceramic Technology (Weekend) | 8,469.06 | |
Urban Management Studies | 10,918.26 | |
Morturary Science and Management | 11,126.46 | |
Human Anatomy and Cell biology/ Human Anatomy(Morpho Diagnostic Option) | 8,626.51 | |
Business – (All Areas of Specialisation/Logistics) | 9,717.56 | |
Planning/Development Studies/Development
Policy & Planning/Development Planning & MGT./ Facilities Mgt./ Real Estate /Dev. Planning & Mgt./ Dev. Policy & Planning/Urban Management Studies/Transportation Planning(weekend) |
16,497.06 | |
PHD | ||
GH₵ | ||
Social Sciences /Publishing Studies | 7,850.06 | |
Biochemistry/ Biodata Analytics and computational Genomics/ Bio-Technology | 9,484.21 | |
Biological Science | 9,496.86 | |
Computer Science/ Meteorology and climate change | 8,253.71 | |
Human Nutrition and Dietetics | 9,724.56 | |
Architecture/ Land Management | 8,253.71 |
African Art And Culture/ Art Education/ Painting/ Painting and sculpture/ Sculpture/ | 8,253.71 |
Art Education/ Painting (Weekend) | 15,446.06 |
Agric. Extension & Development communication/ Agricultural economics/ Agronomy/Animal
Breeding and genetics/ Animal Nutrition/ Animal Science/ Crop physiology/ Development Economics/Forage crop Prodn. Mgt./ Fruit crops/ Horticulture/ Landscape/Meat Science/ Nematology/ plant breeding/Plant pathology/ Plant Virology/ Post harvest Physiology/ Reproductive Physiology/ Seed Science and Technology/ Soil Fertility & Forest management/ Soil management and conservation/ Soil Microbiology/Soil Physics/ Soil Science |
9,484.21 |
Agribusiness management/ Agricultural Extension/ Agroforestry | 8,254.86 |
Silviculture & Forest mgt. | 8,253.71 |
Post-harvest Technology/Wildlife and Range management/ Aquaculture | 8,253.71 |
Planning/Develoment Studies (Weekend) | 14,446.06 |
Textile Design Tech. / Fashion Design Tech./Ceramic Technology (Weekend) | 16,057.06 |
Construction Mgt./Procurement Mgt./Project Mgt./Building Tech. | 14,446.06 |
Chemical Pathology/ /Immunology/ Molecular Medicine/Natural Product
Pharmacology/Pharmaceutical Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Microbiology/ Pharmaceutics/ Pharmacology/ Pharmacognosy/ Social Pharmacy/Chemistry/ Entomology/ Environmental Microbiology/ Food Science and Technology/ Microbiology/ Parasitology/Nuclear Science And Tech./Solid State Physics/ Material Science/ Mathematics and Computation Physsics/Environmental Physics |
9,485.36 |
Human Anatomy and Cell Biology/ Human anatomy and forensic Science | 14,343.56 |
Heamatology/Medical Imaging | 13,990.06 |
Chemistry | 9,485.36 |
Actuarial Science/ Applied Mathematics/ Environmental chemistry/ Environmental physics/Environmental Science/Geophysics/ Information Technology/Mathematics statistics/ scientific computing and industrial modelling | 8,254.86 |
Educational Planning and Administration/ Language Education/ Science Education/ ICT Education/
Mathematics Education |
9,369.96 |
PGD. Education | 9,473.51 |
EdD Educational Planning and Administration | 9,918.01 |
Clinical Microbiology | 9,484.21 |
Clinical and social Pharmacy/ Clinical Pharmacy/ Clinical Pharmacology | 9,485.36 |
Engineering( for all Programs) | 8,966.71 |
Health Service Planning & Mgt. /Health Education & Promotion/Population & Reproductive
Health |
14,315.06 |
Public Health | 16,646.06 |
Business/ Business and management/ Management studies/ human resource/ Organizational leadership | 18,698.06 |
Business(DBA) | 18,698.06 |
Other Charges (B)
Examination | MSC/MA | MPHIL/PHD |
409.40 | 409.40 | |
Matriculation | 18.11 | 18.11 |
Health Care | 72.45 | 72.45 |
Technology Service (ICT) | 241.50 | 241.50 |
Physical Development Levy** | 48.30 | 48.30 |
Sub Total | 789.76 | 789.76 |