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NTC Pedagogy Questions and Answers pdf

NTC Pedagogy Questions and Answers pdf

NTC GTLE 2023 Literacy Questions and Answers

All About Learning Theories of Education (Behaviorism, Cognitivism, and Constructivism.) and how they can be used in Teaching.

NTC Pedagogy Questions & Answers

Set 1

  1. Which type of evaluation identifies the learning deficiencies and difficulties of the learners?

(A) Diagnostic
(B) Placement
(C) Summative
(D) Continuous


(A) Diagnostic

2. A scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of students is known as

(A) Rubrics
(B) Checklists
(C) Inventories
(D) Rating scales


A) Rubrics

3. Pedagogy is a Greek word that means

(A) To lead the child

(B) To guide the child

(C) To educate the child

(D) To understand the child


(A) To lead the child

4. As people grow older, the __ of learning declines.

(A) Speed
(B) Power
(C) Quality
(D) Quantity


(A) Speed

5. Which of the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate behavior?

(A) Praise
(B) Ignorance
(C) Strictness
(D) Reward


(A) Praise

6. The more often a particular ability is used the __ it becomes.

(A) Stronger ✅
(B) Weaker
(C) More important
(D) Less important

7. Which one of the following is not taken into consideration while preparing the blueprint for a test?

(A) Teaching time* ✅
(B) Topic
(C) Instructional objectives
(D) Form of questions

8. The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving, and decision-making is called:

(A) Cognitive Development ✅
(B) Pedagogy
(C) Education
(D) Epistemology
Psychology is a —————.

9. (A) Science of behavior ✅
(B) Science of mind
(C) Science of Consciousness
(D) Science of the soul

10. Which is not a factor of motivation?

(A) Practice ✅
(B) Prize
(C) Incentive
(D) Praise

11. The longer a particular ability is unused the __ it becomes.

(A) Weaker ✅
(B) Stronger
(C) More important
(D) Less important

12. Which of the following is not a role the classroom teacher can play in instilling social skills in learners? Asking learners to………..

(A) Join football clubs.
(B) Participate in school worship.
(C) Join debate clubs in the school.
(D) Isolate themselves from peers. ✅

13, During a class presentation, a teacher asks learners to select two members to represent each group. The teacher is trying to instill ……………… in the learners.

(A) Political function ✅
(B) Cultural function
(C) Educational function
(D) Economic function

14. A teacher experimented by pouring equal amounts of water into two different containers. One of the containers was tall and the other was broad. The teacher asked the learners to identify the container which held the most amount of water. What concept was the teacher testing in his learners?

(A) Conservation ✅
(B) Reversibility
(C) Observation
(D) Egocentrism

15. A graduate teacher in her new class decided to investigate her learners’ backgrounds before teaching a new lesson. Which one of the following actions would be the best for her to take to ascertain her learners’ background?

(A) Interview the learners.
(B) Use appropriate materials.
(C) Vary her methodologies. ✅
(D) Visit the learners’ homes.

16. A teacher decides to use negative reinforcement to motivate his students. Which of the following activities is the most likely to usbe usede to achieve this?

(A) Withhold privileges ✅
(B) Give rewards
(C) Introduce punishments
(D) Remove barriers

17. As the headteacher of Aburi D/A Primary School, you notice that you do not have the full complement of teachers at the beginning of the academic year. You are therefore compelled to combine some of the classes for one teacher. Which professional advice will you give to the teacher handling Basic One and Two together in terms of lesson note preparation?

(A) Prepare one note for the two classes. ✅
(B) Prepare a separate note for Basic Two.
(C) Use separate notes for Basic One.
(D) Use two lesson notes interchangeably.

18. Madam Lucy, a class teacher, has modified the learning environment of her class by hanging a lot of colorful items and posting a lot of pictures and drawings on the walls. She has also organized her children’s tables and chairs in an orderly manner to allow for free movement between them. The most likely reason for this action is to

(A) Stimulate and challenge children to learn. ✅
(B) Allow learners to play more.
(C) Provide a wide range of materials for children.
(D) Highlight the resourcefulness of a school.

19. A teacher identified a child in her class who had a hearing difficulty that affected the learner’s academic performance negatively. What should the teacher do in the class to remedy the situation?

(A) Ask the child to sit in front of the class. ✅

(B) Consult the parents of the child and refer the child to a specialist.
(C) Let his colleagues explain concepts to him for better understanding.
(D) Report the child’s condition to the headteacher.

20. A teacher observed that whenever she was teaching, a learner in the class looked keenly at her lips or asked other learners close to him for an explanation. Which one of the following measures will be the least appropriate to help the learner?

(A) Guide the learner to choose a suitable seating position.
(B) Seat the learner in front of the class.
(C) Speak loudly whenever she is teaching.
(D) Support verbal explanations with teaching aids. ✅

21. A circuit supervisor observes a teacher’s lesson and states that the introduction is good. This remark means that the introduction is linked with

(A) Entry behavior and core points.
(B) Entry behavior and a new lesson. ✅
(C) New lesson and core points.
(D) New lesson and evaluation.

22. What is the primary goal of formative assessment?
A) Assign grades
B) Evaluate overall understanding
C) Provide feedback and improve learning✅
D) Measure final performance

23. Which learning theory emphasizes the role of intrinsic motivation and self-determination in learning?
A) Behaviorism
B) Constructivism
C) Humanism✅
D) Cognitivism

24. In Bloom’s Taxonomy, which level focuses on organizing information and making connections?
A) Analyzing
B) Evaluating
C) Understanding
D) Applying✅

25. What teaching strategy involves presenting new information before students read a text?
A) Jigsaw
B) Anticipatory Set✅
C) Socratic Method
D) Think-Pair-Share

26. What is a key aspect of differentiation in the classroom?
A) Providing identical tasks for all students
B) Adjusting instruction to meet individual needs✅
C) Assigning advanced tasks to high achievers only
D) Focusing solely on student interests

27. Which educational philosophy emphasizes preparing students for their future roles in society?
A) Essentialism
B) Pragmatism
C) Progressivism
D) Social Reconstructionism✅

Set 2

28. What is the primary purpose of using rubrics in assessment?
A) Assigning arbitrary grades
B) Encouraging competition
C) Providing clear criteria for evaluation✅
D) Reducing teacher workload

29. According to Vygotsky, what is the “Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD)?
A) The point where students reach mastery
B) The range of student abilities in a classroom
C) The gap between teacher and student knowledge
D) The difference between what a learner can do alone and what they can do with assistance✅

30. Which teaching approach encourages students to explore real-world problems and develop solutions?
A) Direct Instruction
B) Behaviorism
C) Project-Based Learning✅
D) Drill and Practice

31. What is a common purpose of using open-ended questions in the classroom?
A) Encouraging memorization
B) Promoting critical thinking and discussion✅
C) Minimizing student participation
D) Assessing rote knowledge

32. What is the primary focus of summative assessment?
A) Providing ongoing feedback
B) Evaluating overall understanding at the end of a period✅
C) Adjusting instruction during learning
D) Measuring progress over time

33. Which educational philosophy emphasizes the importance of traditional values and classic literature?
A) Essentialism✅
B) Progressivism
C) Constructivism
D) Behaviorism

34. What type of learning environment encourages students to collaborate, share ideas, and learn from one another?
A) Competitive
B) Isolated
C) Cooperative✅
D) Authoritarian

35. According to Jean Piaget, what term describes the process of restructuring existing knowledge to accommodate new information?
A) Scaffolding
B) Equilibration✅
C) Vygotsky’s Zone
D) Schema

36. What type of assessment is used to determine whether students have met specific learning objectives?
A) Diagnostic Assessment
B) Formative Assessment
C) Summative Assessment✅
D) Authentic Assessment

37. What teaching strategy involves dividing students into small groups, with each group becoming “experts” on a specific topic?
A) Jigsaw✅
B) Think-Pair-Share
C) Direct Instruction
D) Lecture

38. Which theorist is known for the concept of “self-actualization” and the hierarchy of needs?
A) Albert Bandura
B) B.F. Skinner
C) Abraham Maslow✅
D) Lev Vygotsky

39. What does the “I” in the acronym IEP stand for?
A) Individualized Education Plan✅
B) Inclusive Educational Program
C) In-depth Educational Planning
D) Integrated Engagement Protocol

40. Which instructional method involves breaking down complex skills into smaller, teachable steps?
A) Inquiry-Based Learning
B) Task Analysis✅
C) Concept Mapping
D) Experiential Learning

41. What type of assessment is often used to evaluate a student’s language proficiency and development?
A) Achievement Test
B) Formative Assessment
C) Norm-Referenced Test
D) Language Assessment✅

42. What term describes the process of adapting instruction to fit the needs of English language learners (ELLs)?
A) Differentiation
B) Inclusion
C) Culturally Responsive Teaching
D) ESL Strategies✅

43. According to Lev Vygotsky, what term describes the process of learning with the guidance of a more knowledgeable person?
A) Accommodation
B) Assimilation
C) Scaffolding✅
D) Internalization

44. Which teaching approach encourages students to generate and test hypotheses through hands-on experiments?
A) Direct Instruction
B) Experiential Learning✅
C) Drill and Practice
D) Lecture

45. What does the term “metacognition” refer to in the context of learning and teaching?
A) Memorizing information
B) Thinking about thinking and understanding one’s thought processes✅
C) Following instructions blindly
D) Collaborative learning

46. What is a common characteristic of “problem-based learning” (PBL)?
A) Teacher-centered instruction
B) Rote memorization
C) Students collaborate to solve real-world problems✅
D) Focus on standardized tests

Terms You Need to Understand


What does the term “scaffolding” refer to in educational pedagogy?

Answer: Providing temporary support and guidance to help learners achieve a task or skill.

Which learning theory emphasizes the importance of observing and imitating role models?

Answer: Social Learning Theory.

What term describes the process of breaking down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps?

Answer: Task Analysis.

In Bloom’s Taxonomy, what is the highest level of cognitive learning?

Answer: Creating.

What is the term for tailoring instruction to meet the individual needs of learners?

Answer: Differentiation.

What approach involves engaging students in real-world tasks and projects that connect to their interests?

Answer: Project-Based Learning (PBL).

What term refers to adjusting the difficulty of a task to match a learner’s current skill level?

Answer: Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD).

What type of assessment occurs during the learning process and provides feedback to improve learning?

Answer: Formative Assessment.

What educational philosophy emphasizes experiential learning through direct interaction with the environment?

Answer: Pragmatism.

What term describes the ability to transfer knowledge and skills from one context to another?

Answer: Transfer of Learning.

What teaching strategy involves encouraging students to generate their questions and seek answers?

Answer: Inquiry-Based Learning.

Which theorist is associated with the concept of “multiple intelligences”?

Answer: Howard Gardner.

What term refers to a teacher’s ability to manage classroom activities, behavior, and interactions?

Answer: Classroom Management.

What instructional method focuses on promoting critical thinking through open-ended discussions and debates?

Answer: Socratic Method.

What approach encourages students to collaborate on tasks and solve problems as a team?

Answer: Collaborative Learning.

What is the term for a summary of the key concepts and skills that students should learn during a specific period?

Answer: Curriculum.

What educational philosophy emphasizes the importance of individual self-expression and creativity?

Answer: Progressivism.

What type of assessment occurs at the end of a learning period to evaluate students’ overall understanding?

Answer: Summative Assessment.


What concept suggests that individuals learn by constructing their understanding of new information?

Answer: Constructivism.

What is the process of revising and refining instruction based on feedback and assessment results?

Answer: Instructional Design.

Which teaching strategy involves presenting information in small, manageable segments followed by practice and review?

Answer: Chunking.

What term refers to the gradual fading of prompts and support as students master a skill?

Answer: Fading.

What is the term for adjusting instruction to accommodate a variety of learning styles and preferences?

Answer: Differentiated Instruction.

What educational philosophy emphasizes the importance of cultural and social context in learning?

Answer: Culturalism.

What teaching approach integrates technology into the learning process to enhance engagement and understanding?

Answer: Technology-Enhanced Learning (TEL).

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Peter N. Djangmah is a multifaceted individual with a passion for education, entrepreneurship, and blogging. With a firm belief in the power of digital education and science, I am affectionately known as the Private Minister of Information. Connect with me
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