NTC Free CPD Training for all Teachers at the Pre-tertiary level
The National Teaching Council has announced a Free CPD Training for all Teachers at the Pre-Tertiary Level.
This course will be available on your e-learning platform.
The Platform where you did these courses
Teaching in a Digital Age Course……Still Active
Mobile Learning with Multimedia Course
Cybersecurity Training for Teachers Course
All those who have done these courses have received their 4 CPD Points for Each Course. But be reminded some few had issues with their email after sorting out you’ll be Credited.
To be sure if you’ll be credited, login to your tpg portal and check the courses you have taken, if the course title is there, then there is no need to panic, you’ll be credited.
Also those who did the instill courses, your points are being credited Your CPD Points have been processed; What to do If you haven’t got Yours
NTC Free Training for CPD points-Register Fast
Quick Update on the MOE and NTC Digital Literacy Programme for the CPDS
To Access the Course, You need to Login to your portal on the e-learning platform
Don’t Forget this -NTC- My Teacher Portfolio Fill with this Documents – Deadline 1st December 2022.
How to compress your Evidence of work to less than 5MB and upload onto NTC Portal portfolio
To login
Type the e-learning Link/URL into your browser
Enter your email you used to register, mostly the same email as the one on the Teacher Portal platform (TPG)
Provide your Password.
For our audience on our various platforms, you have registered already and some of you have saved the password , you just need to click on the link on your phone to login. WHATSAPP COMMUNITY SECURED OR TELEGRAM TEAACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
When you login,
Click on courses
If you are using phone, Click on menu first before you can see the Courses
The next thing is to click on Expand all for all available courses.
If you See a new course you haven’t done yet, Click on it.
Register/ Enrol to take part
Currently Our Colleague Teachers here have not seen any new course, you can login to check at your end if yours has been uploaded.
Those on this platforms WHATSAPP COMMUNITY SECURED OR TELEGRAM TEAACHER PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT have done all the courses on the e-learning portal already and are waiting for new courses.
To Take part in this NTC Courses you need to register on the e-learning platform
The link will be provided below, Click to Register
Provide your name, details, Use the email you used for the registration on the Teacher Portal
Create a Password
After Login
Click on the Menu, Insert Your Picture
Provide more details and Save.
Click on Courses, if you can’t Find Courses, Click on menu
Select Courses, Click on Expand all to Identify all available courses.
NTC has design a Coaching and Mentoring Training course under GALOP for all SISOs, education leaders etc
The course is hosted on the NTC learning management platform starting from Wednesday 3Oth November 2022.
Title ;Coaching and Mentoring Training for SISOs ( Blended Mode using TPD@Scale model (LMS, offline and social media platforms)
https://elearning.ntc.gov.gh/ The same platform
Click to enroll.
Successful candidates shall be awarded with certificate of participation and CPD points.
We will keep you updated, if you login and you can’t Find your courses, Don’t panic Send us message in the Groups
More update about the Course to come soon…
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