GES Professional Learning Community (PLC) Digital Platform manual – How to Register
Training Workshop towards the GES PLC App Roll -out.
Concept of PLC
A professional learning community or PLC, is a group of educators that meets regularly, shares expertise and works collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of the students.
Establishing and Managing PLC
The head of the school (HoS) in consultation with teaching staff and other stakeholders puts a PLC in place. An In-school curriculum Lead is selected to lead the PLC activities. The School improvement Support Officer (SISO) serves as an Officio member
Guidelines and Expectations
- The membership of the PLC(HoS, CL, other staff) in consultation with key stakeholders(SISO, PTA/SMC etc).
- Agrees on the PLC sessions( or meetings) schedules for the semester.
- Identifies for the PLC sessions individual challenges in effective lesson delivery and innovative practices in teaching.
- Creates common platform for members to share ideas, skills, knowledge and experience.
- Identifies and invites good and willing facilitators for each session.
- Keeps record of attendance of members during PLC meetings.
- Sets SMART goals for best practices in the school to meet expected performance outcomes and targets.
Other guidelines and Expectations
- Previews and reflects on school data to plan instructions across the school curricular
- Considers co-curricular experiences for learners
- Considers innovative ways of incorporating new and improved initiatives such as the 4Rs and the core competencies
Learn more on Professional Learning Community(PLC) and FOI. Highlights of the CCP Training
GES PLC New Manual 2023
This manual guides a user on how to set up and use the G.E.S Professional Learning
Community (PLC) Digital Platform.
The platform is intended to facilitate the smooth running of PLC sessions in various schools at
the Kindergarten, Primary, and Junior High School levels.
The PLC platform was developed primarily for use by Curriculum Leads, Head Teachers, District, Regional, and Head Office administrators.
Mobile Version and web version
Splash Screen
Welcome Screen
The welcome screen has two(2) buttons (login and create account) which leads to their respective page
How to Login
The login page allows the user to log into the app
To login Enter your
and a password.
How to Sign up
The sign up has 4 main user pathways for registering,
The Head-Teacher,
Curriculum Lead,
District Lead
Regional Lead.
There is also a standalone admin from the Head Quarters
First enter EMIS Code to retrieve school data in the Sign up Form
Aside the Head-Teacher and the Curriculum-Lead signups,
The other signups contains almost the same form fields
A Head-Teacher will be required to enter his/her school’s EMIS code before proceeding to signup.
A verification code sent to the Head-Teacher’s email and
available on his/her dashboard is needed by the Currirulum Lead for registration
Signup field
Full name
User name
School email
Confirm Password
Agree to terms and Conditions
Click on signUp
How to Reset Password
Forgot Password Login Page
1. To reset your password, click on the forgot password
2. An interface will pop up and requesting for your email
3. Provide your school email and you’ll be asked to enter your new password and
A link of verification will be sent
Dashboards interface
The Activity Summary (Dashboard) shows the various forms that have been
submitted and approved by the Head-Teacher.
Each Category of users has its own dashboard.
Activity Summary includes
Attendance and Minutes
PLC Check List
PLC Reports
Monitoring and Evaluation
How to Submit Form
1. Click on “Forms” on the bottom navigation and choose the type of form to
submit. Below is the interface after clicking on “Forms.
2. Choose the type of form to fill out and submit
Activity Summary includes
Attendance and Minutes
PLC Check List
PLC Reports
Monitoring and Evaluation
How to View Profile
1. Click on the menu icon at the top left corner, an interface will slide from
the left
2. Choose the first option “Account” to access your profile page
How to View Resource
Click on the “Resource” from the bottom navigation
This will bring up all resources shared across board
Resource can include school management pdf
How to View Messages
1. Click on ”Messages” on the bottom navigation
2. The message interface will list all communication
3. Tap on desired message to continue to reply
How to View Notification
1. Tap on the bell icon on the top right corner of your screen to view
notifications (As seen below)
2. The badge above the bell icon shows the number of new notifications
How to Send Feedback
1. Click on “Home” on the bottom navigation
2. Tap on a submitted form under “Submissions” (e.g PLC Report) seen in step 1.
3. Click on the floating button seen in step2
How to Send Feedback
Type and *submit feedback
Feedback will be *sent to the appropriate recipient
How to Send Message
1. Tap on the bell icon on the top right corner of your screen to view
notifications (As seen below)
2. Click on the plus(+) button to open the broadcast form
3. Fill the form with your message, recipients,, subject and attachment and
send message
Only HQ admin can send Broadcast message like in communities.
How to use Offline Mode
1. Forms can still be submitted even if you are offline
2. You just have to click the rounded arrows on your right top corner of the app
to sync and send the forms to the database online
How to use Web Version
The web session is just like the mobile session just some few interface changes, But Login, Signup, Sending messages , viewing resources are all the same.
How to Add Staffs
1. Click and select the staffs menu from the side bar menu.
2. Click on “Add” to add new staffs to the platform, staff can also be added
when filling form.
3. Staff name and ID can be edited by clicking on the pen icon
More to come soon
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